Showing posts with label parade. Show all posts
Showing posts with label parade. Show all posts

Friday, April 7, 2023

2023 April 1, Mule Day Parada Columbia and Mount Pleasant, TN. Grill & Museum

 Hubby and I had an excellent April 1st (April Fools' Day). We stopped at Jack in Lawrenceburg for breakfast. I ordered their single gravy, sausage, and biscuits, and Hubby ordered their big breakfast with pancakes.

We rode to Columbia to watch the Mule Day Parade. We arrived a little early and found a place to sit. Thousands of people were there for the parade and other events. The parade began at 11:00 A.M. and was over a little after 12. The Grand Marshal was Mike Wolfe from America Pickers.
At the end of the parade were a couple of big sweeper trucks to clean up all the horse and Mule poop.
Grand Marshall Mike Wolfe 

An unusual float, the Solo Cup 

Mules and Horses 

We left Columbia and drove through Mt Pleasant, stopping at Mt Pleasant Grill. It didn't appear much, but we decided to try it. It was a lot bigger on the inside and very friendly. The food was excellent. It was a bit spicy and cooked differently, but tender, fresh, and delicious. We definitely will eat there again. 
Fried Catfish, Fried Okra, Cole Slaw 

We asked about the museum next door, and one of the waitresses said it was worth seeing. So we toured the museum. It was filled with lots of memorabilia about the town. You would see things in a doctor's office, war artifacts, gowns, dresses, furniture, and so much more.
doctor office

I bought several note cards: Hamilton Place, St John's Episcopal Church, Walnut Grove, Rippavilla, and Fountain Creek Mills (historic homes, church, and mill). The curator tried to sell us a 2023 Farmers Almanac; she told us about some of the things she had read. 

Walked outside to the nearby park, where I saw those beautiful tin flowers and 2 blooming dogwood trees. The perfect time of the year to be blooming. We had a great time except for the 30 MPH winds. We saw hats, trash, and cotton candy flying everywhere. One bag blew off the vendor's rack and spooked several horses. All in all, it was a great day.
Dogwood Trees

Friday, December 2, 2022

2022 Dec 1, Athens Christmas Parade and Adventures Athens, AL

The Athens Courthouse was decorated for the holidays, and crowds lined up to watch the Christmas Parade. 
North Pole & Candy Carnival Float in the Christmas Parade 

I had a hard time getting good pictures at the parade. They were moving quickly, and we were sitting inside the car, so I had to take them through the windows. But I did get a few good ones. We enjoyed the parade & shopping at UG White Mercantile. 

We bought supper at Zaxby's in Athens, but our food was overcooked, so we didn't eat much of it. We bought a couple of chocolate coconut macadamia candies at UG White Mercantile. The parade was over at about 8. 

We parked across the street facing Merchant's Alley, waiting for the Athens Parade.

Christmas at UG White Merchantile 
 It is merchandise that sells southern-made goods, where treasures can be found like stepping back in time. 

We stopped in Rogersville to see their Christmas Trees in the park. 

Rogersville Tinsel Trail 

I stopped at Jack's for a few strawberry cheesecake pies and was in bed a little after 9. 

From 1-3 Crafting at the Florence Library (making a Christmas card with watercolors.)

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

2022 Nov 13, Clydesdae's Parade in Cullman's Wearhouse District Cullman, AL

It was a bitterly cold morning as we rode to the Warehouse District in Cullman to see the Clydesdale Nov 13, 2022

Budweiser Advertisment 

Budweiser Clydesdales  coming to Alabama Nov 10-13, 2022 

Jingle & Mingle Birmingham Nov 10 

75th Annual Nationa Veterans Day Parade Birmingham Nov 11

Lakeview District Trot Parade Birmingham Nov 12 

Christmas Market Open House Cullman Nov 13. 

since Adams 1937 

We arrived at about 1 P.M. and got in line for the parade, where we could watch the horses being unloaded. 

Each of the eight Clydesdale was taken out of the trailer one at a time, then harnessed with solid brass, patent leather, and stitched with pure linen thread harness, which weighed over 130 pounds. 

One of the Clydesdale being hitched up with its harness 

The Red, White, and Gold beer Wagon must also be removed from the 50-foot tractor-trailer, and the Clydesdale hitched up one at a time. 

Once the horses were hitched to the wagon, the drivers, riders, and Dalmatian dog climbed aboard, and the parade began.

The parade was scheduled to begin at 1 P.M., but it did not start until 2:20 P.M.

The Budweiser wagon, 8 Clydesdale, two drivers, a Dalmatian, and three passengers rode around the Warehouse District three times, stopping once for pictures before heading back to the tractor trailers to be loaded.

8 Clydesdale drivers, riders, and Dalmatians starting the parade 

Close-up of drivers and Dalmatian 

Several children were standing next to me. A family with three redheaded children. One of the little boys was very impressed with my camera and wanted me to take his picture, which I did. 

The little boy who wanted me to take his picture.

Thousands of people were waiting to see the horses. We watched the Clydesdale circle a couple of times. 

After Clydesdale's first trip around the district, many people left. At about the same time, we heard the train's whistle blow and a very long train crossed the tracks, so these people had to wait for the tracks to clear before crossing. 

We would leave after the first round, but since we would have to wait on the train, we decided to go back and watch the Clydesdale again. I am glad we did because I got a better video of them coming around the corner and getting my picture made near the wagon. 

After the parade, we headed home, stopping at Cracker Barrel in Athens for supper. Hubby ordered a big breakfast, and I ordered pinto beans, fried apples with cornbread, chow chow, and onion.  

We stopped at Murphy's Walmart to fill up with Gas. By the time we arrived home, it was dark. 

It was a cold day, but at least the sun was shining. It got up to 41.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

2018 Dec 15, Leipers Fork Christmas Parade Leipers Fork, Tennessee

Hubby and I rode to Leipers Fork to attend the Christmas Parade, it was one of the biggest crowds I had ever seen.
The crowd at Leipers Fork Parade 
John Snider(Bo Duke) from Dukes of Hazzard was the Grand Marshal. John rode atop a replica of the Bright Orange General Lee #1 from the Dukes of Hazzard Show (1979-85).
Followed by the Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane's Police Car.
John Snider, Grand Marshal 
Kid Rock came riding in a White Car that had a bull horn on the front grill, packing guns on both sides of the car. The backside on the tire covering was Hank Jr. Kick Rocks & Michigan Plates 64 Nudie with shotgun, horses, and horseshoes on the trunk, fenders, and bumper.
The kid was dressed in White, trimmed in gold, and wearing a black hat, drinking a Cooler Light beer.
The guy from American Pickers came riding in the parade in a Polaris Jeep.
Kid Rock and his granddaughter
We saw a Grinch 
Cindy Lou-Who 
Santa Clause in his sleigh with Reindeer 
Hubby and I stopped at Jack's Restaurant in Lawrenceburg for breakfast. I ordered a sausage and cheese biscuit.
Hubby ordered a big breakfast.
We arrived at Leipers Fork around 11:00 AM, set up our chairs, and walked around taking pictures and talking to local shop owners.
Christmas Ball hanging from the ceiling at one of the local stores also in the attic area was a Manger Scene 
People already had a chair set up in front of Pucketts Grocery, a local restaurant. 
fireplace a warm, cozy spot 
Cowboy boot Sign
There were several portlets set up, but not near enough for the crowd.
Where we sat were a couple of firepits with marshmallows and gram crackers to make smores.
It was nice to sit by the fire it was an overcast day with temperatures around 50+ degrees with some sun.
At the portlets, I met a woman who was building a house in the Leipers Fork area. She said we have 2 dogs and 2 cats, and they were renting in the Nashville area but were originally from Atlanta, GA.
I also met a woman wearing a Mad Hatter hat, she was covered in Christmas rope, bells, and balls.
She gave me and the woman next to me a bell. I tied my bell on my tennis shoe, and everywhere I went, I would hear bells, I forgot it was me that was ringing.
I met a family from near Dickson, TN, she said she was an artist, and he was a landscaper (from Nashville until he married). They had two children, and they had never been to the Leipers Fork Parade. I told them they were in for a treat. They were waiting to eat at a local restaurant, and when the parade began, they came and stood nearby. The man said after they ate that, the kids rode horses in the fields, and there they saw Kid Rock.
The little girl said she wanted one of the bears that were going to be thrown out during the parade. Both she and her brother caught two each.
They left after the bears were thrown out.
Hubby and I both made smores, but they sure were messy. The parade began around 2:30PM  and lasted until about 4 or a little after the sun was setting, and it was beginning to get dark. The cleanup crew began to clean up all the debris left from the parade and the crowd. Hubby and I sat by the fire pit as we watched a steady stream of cars leave the grass-filled parking area.
A young man stoked the fire, and we warmed our hands and bodies.
A man with his daughter was warming up at the fire pit. We were talking about the Shoals area that we were from, and the man said that he had a friend who played in a band that played at the Shoals Marriott.
We finally braved the traffic and began our travel home.
At 5:22 PM, we stopped at Panda Express in Sring Hill.
End of the parade, and the sun was setting. 
We ordered broccoli and beef, honey walnut shrimp, orange chicken, chow mein, egg roll, and 3 creams cheese Rangoon.
We ordered broccoli and beef, honey walnut shrimp, orange chicken, chow mein, egg roll, and 3 creams cheese Rangoon.

At 7PM, we stopped at Big Lots in Lawrenceburg for some bread and Archway gingerbread cookies.
(I love me some gingerbread cookies) we bought three bags and a bag of Archway gingersnaps. 
We were home around 7:30, took a hot shower, put on my pajamas, crawled into my warm bed, turned on the TV, and were asleep in no time.
Hubby had a great day; it was a little on the cool side, overcast, and the sun tried to sneak out a time or two. Saw John Snider, Kid Rock, and the guy from American Pickers. Made a few new friends, ate some good food, and had a safe trip home.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

2017 June 17, Saturday, RC Moon Pie Festival Bell Buckle, Tenessee🌝🍰

Cooked waffles for breakfast topped with walnuts and cool whip.
Loaded the van, programmed the GPS, and began our trip.
We traveled north on hwy 43, turning right onto hwy 64 East, traveling through Giles County Pulaski, TN, crossing I-65
to 244 northeast, traveling through Lincoln and Marshall counties Petersburg, & Bedford County Shelbyville.
Town of Petersburg Library
Town of Petersburg in Lincoln and Marshall Counties with a population of 580.
Our next stop was Bedford County, Shelbyville, TN, home to the Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration.

Walking Horse National Celebration (Horse farms)
The historic Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration Grounds in Shelbyville, TN, is home to the Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration, which takes place each year in late summer for 11 days, ending on the Saturday night before Labor Day.
Veterans Memorial Plaza in front of Bedford County Courthouse
Shelbyville is the county seat of Bedford County "Courthouse"
Arrived at Bell Buckle around 10:00AM.
We found a close park, walked up to the stage, and found seats on bales of hay. Where we sat and listened to music and watched a group of young girls and women clogging.
Cloggers (stepping high)
Milking Machine
Railroad Town (several trains came through while we were in Bell Buckle)
We walked around checking out the vendors, where we saw giant corn dogs, funnel cakes, deep-fried Oreos, snickers, and Twinkles.
We visited Everybody's Antiques and More, Bluebirds Antiques, and Ice Cream Parlor.
We visited the Livery Stable, now an Antique shop with many rooms of antiques.
Livery Stable is now an Antique Shop. 
We saw boxes of strawberry, banana, chocolate, mint, & salted caramel moon pies.
There were moon pies and RC colas for sale everywhere we looked, and prices varied.
Ice Cold RC Colas 
Boxes of Fresh Moon Pies
Uncle Sam greeting the crowd at the  Parade.
We met a couple from North Carolina who had been to softball tournaments in Birmingham.
We met an older couple that had visited the festival many times.
There were people from everywhere who were still coming when we left.

We ate lunch at Bell Buckle Cafe, where we both ordered a barbecue sandwich and a glass of iced tea.
It was almost time for the parade, so we gobbled down our lunch.
It was the only cafe in the whole area, so it was a long wait just to eat lunch.
Standing in front of the Mural of Moon Pies and RC Colas 
We came outside to watch the parade, and after the parade, we started home.
Moon Pie Girl in the parade
We took a different route home, we rode through Tullahoma, Lynchburg, & Pulaski.
We stopped in Lawrenceburg for gas and to-go meals from Long John Silvers.
We stopped at the fruit stand in Lawrenceburg for vegetables, and we were home by 5:00PM.
We were home about an hour when hubby got a call out from work, so we loaded into the van and headed to Huntsville.
As we were entering the gate, we were in a Jurassic Park jeep with a dinosaur in the back.
When the Jeep moved, so did the dinosaur
Jurassic is relating to or denotes the second period of the Mesozoic era, between the Triassic and Cretaceous periods.
The sun was setting as we traveled home. (around 8:30PM)

Sunday, July 31, 2016

2016 July 30, Saturday, Strut Parade @ the W.C. Handy Festival

At 9:30AM I was sitting on the steps of the First Baptist Church located on Tuscaloosa Street. 
The W. C. Handy Street Strut Parade began at 10:00AM. 

The police officers blocked the roads from traffic at 10:00AM.  
A couple of motorcycle policemen lead the parade. 
Strut Parade 
As the parade passed I saw beaded necklaces, moon pies, bags of peanuts from Texas Roadhouse, & candy thrown to the bystanders of the parade. 
In the parade, I saw people holding purple and yellow umbrellas from UNA. 
The grand marshall was holding a purple, yellow, and green umbrella. He was dressed in a yellow dress jacket, white pants, and a purple shirt. 
Riding in a bright yellow small Convertible was the BIG RED DOG. 

A burnt orange and a solid black Corvette followed. 

The Shoals' marching twirlers, dressed in white shirts and burgundy shorts followed.
They were followed by several young women carrying fancy umbrellas.
Riding in an open trolley, waving to the crowd were some older women. 

They were followed by Miss Bronze Queen 2016 and Miss Jr Bronze Queen. 
There was a group of people wearing yellow T-shirts that read, re-elect Mickey Haddock for mayor.

Walking alone was a woman wearing a red and white dress, on her head, she wore a black and white feathered hat that shaded her face. Her hands were covered in red lace gloves. In her right hand, she held an umbrella and in her left hand, held high, she had a fan sign, that read Vote for Holt.
Vote Holt!
The Stewart Family were wearing light green T-shirts that read Reunion, Rooted July 29-31 New vines.

A small bus from Christ Chapel was followed by a group of people carrying multi-colored flags. 
Some were wearing red T-shirts, while others were wearing white T-shirts that read "YAHSHUA".

A man was throwing MOON PIES to the crowd, he was riding in a Volkswagen covered in pink and blue balls. 
Followed by a Camaro.

A burgundy truck with a sign that read Burrell-Slater High School Class of 1966, was pulling a float with a mural of Burrell-Slater High School. 
The fire truck lagged behind, he was waiting on the Lee High School Marching band, which was late arriving.

Alongside the road were vendors with freshly squeezed lemonade.

I had never been to a street strut parade.
I love parades of all kinds. 

What is a strut? It is to walk with a vain, pompous bearing, with head erect and chest thrown out as if expecting to impress observers. 
To Strut one's stuff, to dress, behave, and perform, at one's best to impress others, to show off.

The parade lasted less than ten minutes. When the parade ended I walked through Wilson Park, where a band was getting ready to play.
I did not stop because I was going to the Library. 

Sunday, May 1, 2016

April 2016 A busy month

April 1 rode to Mule Day in Columbia Tennessee 
April 1& 4 went to Chiropractor
April 2  rode to Columbia TN to watch the Mule Day Parade ate lunch at Jacks Lawrenceburg, TN
April 5 We went on a tour of Tiffen Plant in Red Bay ate lunch Jacks Red Bay, Al 
April 6 CBS classes
April 7 went to Get Dirty at the Library: Landscape Design for Sustainability
April 8 went to Chiropractor
April 8 Took Dad to Dentist & Emergency Room
April 9 went on a guided walking tour of historic Downtown Athens
April 9 Earth Day Sheffield, Al 
April 11 Took Dad to the oral surgeon to get tooth cut out
April 12 We went on a tour of the Belle Chevre Goat Cheese Factory in Elkmont Al ate lunch Preston’s Restaurant Lexington, Al 
April 13 Last Class of CBS 
April 14 Get Dirty at the Library: Growing Herbs
April 16 Walking tour of UNA by Thomas Hale
April 17 Athens Cemetery Stroll 2-5PM
April 19 Started Weight loss Program Took B-12 Shot 
April 21 Get Dirty at the Library: Fighting Invasive Plants
April 22 Jewish Passover Meal at First Methodist Church Killen 
April 23 We went to Cornbread Festival in South Pittsburg TN ate lunch Harvey’s Pirate Drive-in
April 25 Took Dad to the oral surgeon he got two teeth cut out
April 26 Took B-12 Shot 
April 26 Went to Florence Ophthalmology PC Doctor Gray
April 28 Went to Get Dirty at the Library: Composting

April 30 Went to Guided walking tour of Athens State University ate lunch at Wildwood Deli 

Saturday, April 2, 2016

2016 April 2, Saturday Mule Day Parade in Columbia, TN

I once again find myself on the road alone. I rode to Columbia Tennessee to watch the Mule Day parade. I found a parking spot whipped my van into an empty spot. I got my camera, cell phone, coat, and chair and walked across the road. 
I picked out a spot opened my chair and sat down. Decided it was too cold so I went back to the van for my bigger coat. 
Both sides of the road started filling up. 
I went back to my chair and I sat patiently waiting for the parade.
A couple from Sheffield sat right next to me. They said this was the first time coming to the parade. We discussed which direction the parade was coming neither of us sure. 
The woman's husband said he was going to walk down the road to Hardees to use the restroom and for some snacks. 
The woman placed two chairs next to mine and we began to talk. 
It never fails that I meet someone I know or someone from the same area. She asks me where I went to church and I told her thinking she had never heard of our church. Wrong! She knew a couple that had been going to our church for years. It goes to show, that we should behave where ever we go. The Lord is watching us and he is sending his angles to make sure we behave.
The man returned, stayed only a few minutes before he was wearing short pants and he told his wife it was too cold to sit outside so he went back to his car. 
He told his wife to call him on his cell phone when the parade began.

There were over two hundred entries in the parade which made for a very long parade. 
I was taking pictures with my big camera as well as taking videos with my cell phone. 
Once I heard a man say the horse almost sniffed your butt. I had turned around and was taking pictures of the parade that had already passed. I was standing very close to the road so I could get pictures of the parade. The parade started with a motorcycle police escort. Next was men & women dressed in black pants and vest-wearing yellow shirts carrying the US Flag and three other flags. One was red, white and blue with three stars in the middle. May have been the Tennessee State Flag. The other two were different shades of blue. 
Mule Day Parade
Next, we saw the grand marshal riding in a wagon being pulled by two dark gray and black mules.

Next, we saw a couple of brown mules pulling the first, second, third and fourth runners-up of the Mule Day court. The girls were dressed in orange, green, purple and white gowns

Next was a couple of white mules pulling a red wagon.
We saw wagons being pulled by one mule, two mules, three mules, and four mules. 
We saw people riding mules, horses, & ponies in every shape and color. 
We saw a young girl dressed in blue, she was riding a brown and white horse, and she was waving to the crowd. Many riders were dressed in western attire. Many of the horses and mules were harnessed in black,& silver.
There was a couple of riders pulling a horse without a rider. They said that they lost their rider. 

We saw floats, horses, and riders.
We saw a 1394 train with wheels rolling down the road. 

We saw a bright blue Corvette in the parade.
We saw a man wearing a red, white and blue flag shirt. He had an American flag hanging on the back of his wagon, that was pulled my two miniature mules. 
He was wearing a smile on his face. 
Mule Day Parade
We saw a group of very scary clowns. Their float turns at the entrance of the academy just before they reached us. 
Mule Day Parade
We saw a man riding a brown mule he was wearing a red shirt and a long white beard. He could be Santa Clause at Christmas. 

We saw a girl riding a horse with orange hoofs, orange ears and tail.

We saw a float with "Old George" a mule and a man singing.
We saw an all white male with orange hoofs. 
We saw a wagon train. 
Mule Day Parade
In the distance, we could see the wagon train, the crowds of people watching the parade passed as it crossed the highway headed up the hill to the Maury County Park. 
Mule Day Parade
A very pretty pair of mules
Many riders had their pets
Many different riders
We had riders in jail
We saw a team of mules pulling a HURST
There were many who loved getting their picture taken while others turned away or covered their face with their hats. 
The kids jumped for joy when they saw Spongebob Square Pants.
the kids also loved Batman and Wonder Woman
We saw a horse performing tricks
We saw mules wearing overhauls

What a day! What a great parade!

If you missed this parade be sure to tune in for the next one!

Trip to San Antonio Feb 16-22, 2025 Diamonds in the Rough

  Day 1: Sunday, Feb 16, Everyone meets at the Club bus, which arrives at 7:30 A.M., and we leave for Texarkana, AR, at 8:00 A.M. We stopp...