Showing posts with label #colbert. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #colbert. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

2017 Aug 18, Traveling South on Natchez Trace

Had an eye appointment, then lunch at Burger King (Whopper Junior, onion rings, and drink).
I took  20/Savannah Highway to Natchez Trace, traveling toward Colbert County.
I stopped to take pictures of Rock Springs, Rock Springs Trail, and Tiny Jewels of the Air Markers.
Tiny Jewels of the Air
Few birds are as distinctive and charismatic as hummingbirds. From their iridescent plumage to their incredible aerial antics, hummingbirds are an irresistible attraction at Rock Springs. Each fall, hundreds of Ruby-throated Hummingbirds pass this way to feast on the nectar of the abundant jewelweed and other wildflowers.

Hummingbirds and certain flowers have evolved an interdependent relationship over millions of years. Flowers provide hummingbirds nectar, the fuel they need to keep flying. In return, hummingbirds transport pollen between flowers, helping the flowers reproduce.

The flowers of choice are long and tubular and usually red, a color bees have trouble seeing. This shape fits the hummingbird's long bill and deposits pollen on the bird's forehead. Individual flowers grow generally separate from one another, allowing ample space for whirring wings as the hummingbird dashes from flower to flower. Pollen from flowers powders the head of these tiny jewels as they sip nectar. Subsequently, this pollen is spread to other flowers on which the hummingbird feeds.

Faster Than a Speeding Hummingbird?
A hummingbird's small size and rapid movement can make it difficult to watch for long. Fortunately, hummingbirds often perch on an overhead branch and draw attention to themselves
by making high squeaky chipping noises. To spot a male Ruby-throated Hummingbird, look for its iridescent throat--called a gorget. The color of the gorget depends on the lighting and, in most instances, looks dark. Only when the feathers catch the light at a certain angle can their intricate beauty be seen? The male Ruby-throated Hummingbird is unmistakable in good light with his bright ruby-red throat.

Ruby-throated Hummingbird Migration
Each year, Ruby-throated Hummingbirds migrate from eastern North America to winter in Central America. Although some birds work their way south through Florida to the Caribbean or Texas to Mexico, Alabama's hummingbirds fly across the Gulf of Mexico. These incredible creatures undertake a 600-mile voyage across open water to find warm weather and plentiful nectar further south.

Rare Surprises From the West
Each fall, bird watchers from across Alabama visit these jewelweed patches to witness the spectacle of hundreds of hummingbirds on their southward migration. As an added bonus, these large concentrations of hummingbirds sometimes attract western hummingbird species that have strayed from their usual migration route, particularly in the winter. Species to look for in the fall include Rufous, Black-chinned, Calliope, and Anna's, among the Ruby-throated.
Rock Spring

Rock Spring Nature Trail allows you to explore a small natural spring as it bubbles forth from the ground. Small fish dart about a deep pool created as the stream wandered through rich bottomland soil and limestone rock. Vegetation and trees change as you move through an abandoned field past the stream onto a rocky hillside.

After the 20-minute walk, you may pull off your shoes and dangle your feet in the swift, calm waters.

I traveled to the Tennessee River and the Natchez Trace Bridge Mile Marker 328.7, where I took pictures of the marker:
Driven Up the Waters
Natchez Trace Parkway (near Natchez Trace Bridge Lauderdale side) 328.7
National Park Service U. S. Department of the Interior

Driven Up the Waters
The Trail of Tears led groups of Cherokee up the Tennessee River here. The Cherokee were one of the southeastern tribes relocated to Oklahoma due to the US Indian removal policy in the 1830s. 

Most Cherokee went by land during removal, but thousands of others traveled aboard barges and steamboats. Diseases, bred in cramped, unsanitary conditions, raised the misery of those already reeling from the loss of their homes, homeland, and most possessions.

After learning of shipboard hardships, Cherokee leaders organized future removals, primarily over land.

As I rode across the bridge, men were working along it. There were red lights to stop traffic, for only one lane was working.

I took pictures of markers on the Colbert County side. New markers celebrate Alabama's 200 years of statehood.

Safe Crossings 
In the early 1800s, ferries like the one George Colbert ran near here on the Tennessee River linked segments of the Natchez Trace. Ferries carried people across the river for a fee. Post riders, Kaintucks, military troops, casual travelers, slave traders, and enslaved people took the ferries.

The Chickasaw had the title to the land in this region, and Chickasaw leaders like George Colbert understood the value of safe river crossings. In 1801, in one of their first treaties with the US, the Chickasaw allowed the US to develop the Natchez Trace into a road. The Chickasaw retained the right to operate a ferry across the Tennessee River.

US General Andrew Jackson and his veterans of the Battle of New Orleans marched homeward after the War of 1812. George Colbert's ferry carried them across the Tennessee River here. Although the river was not as wide and deep then, ferries made crossing safer and easier. 
Another Safe Crossing was located at Bird Site #12
Trace Travelers
Natchez Trace Parkway (near Natchez Trace Bridge Colbert side)
National Park Service U. S. Department of the Interior

Trace Travelers (Restroom area Colbert Side)

Frontier America once walked along the Natchez Trace.
The Chickasaw and Choctaw used the Trace for transportation and trade. After 1801, with tribal permission, post riders who rode the Trace connected isolated settlements in Mississippi and beyond.
Boatmen or farmers, known as Kaintucks, floated their products down the Ohio and  Mississippi rivers to market in Natchez, Mississippi. Then, they sold their flatboats as lumber and walked home along the Trace. On foot, the 500-mile trip took about 35 days. By 1810, occasional travel had turned into the human flood; up to 10,000 Kaintucks passed along the well-trodden path each year.

Chickasaws moving south pass Kaintucks on the northbound leg of their journey home.

During the War of 1812, the Trace became a road for American armies marching to and from battle. 
Steamboats were powerful enough to sail up the Mississippi River and stemmed the tide of Trace use.
Wet, Wild, and Wonderful Bird Site 12
Alabama's Winter Waterfowl
The Tennessee River Valley is the winter home for thousands of waterfowl. These birds migrate from across the northern US and Canada down through the continent's center to the Tennessee River.

Careful management practices have created more wetland areas. Regular planting of food crops such as millets, oats, and wheat has increased food sources for these winter visitors, helping to bring their numbers to record highs. While everyone can enjoy the benefit of more waterfowl, much of this work has been done by supporting waterfowl hunters who pay license fees, stamps, and excise taxes on equipment.

Ducks and geese are a very diverse group of birds. Over thirty species are found in Alabama and the Tennessee River Valley. Look for the difference in size, plumage, feeding, and flight characteristics to see how many species you can identify. Often rafting with other ducks, the dark gray American Coot is not a duck but a member of the rail family.

Geese tend to stand out from the pack because of their large size and long neck. The most familiar goose in the Tennessee Valley is the Canada goose, with its dark head and white cheek. Many Canadian geese, released as juveniles in the state, now live year-round in the area.

Mergansers are also known as "Sawbills" because of the tooth-like serrations of their long, thin bills. These birds are made to chase and catch fish underwater. Hooded and Red-breasted Mergansers are often seen in large groups and can be joined by small numbers of Common Mergansers.

Dabbling Ducks
Dabbling Ducks are our best-known ducks. Dabbling Ducks have rounded, often flat bills for filtering seeds, aquatic plants, and other organic materials from fine mid just below the water's surface. Dabbling Ducks to look of r include Northern Shovelers, which have a pronounced shovel-shaped bill and can be seen actively filtering water through their bill as they swim. Other dabblers are Mallard, Pintail, Green-winged Teal, and American Widgeon. 

Diving Ducks
Diving Ducks prefer to stay in deeper water, where they dive for food. Although they use a different technique, diving ducks also hunt for seeds, aquatic plants, and some aquatic insects. Diving ducks can usually be seen in mixed-species flocks, including Lesser Scaup, Ring-necked Ducks, Canvasbacks, and Redheads. While divers run across the surface to take flight, dabblers leap from the water's surface.
Colbert Stand
George Colbert operated a ferry across the Tennessee River from 1800 to 1819. His stand or inn offered travelers a warm meal and shelter during their journey on the Old Trace. Colbert looked after his well-being and charged Andrew Jackson $75,000 to ferry his Tennessee army across the river.

This site of his stand is a short 50 yards up this path. An additional 20-minute stroll will take you along the Old Trace to the bluff overlook station and back.

Chickasaw Hospitality 
National Park Service U. S. Department of the Interior
Natchez Trace Parkway
George Colbert's stand sat atop the ridge before you.
As one of many inns that dotted the Trace between 
Nashville and Natchez provided travelers with food and lodging.

With a Scottish father and Chickasaw mother, George 
Colbert used his bilingual abilities and knowledge of both
cultures to build a network of enterprises. As a Chickasaw,
he gained the right, by treaty, to operate a ferry across the 
Tennessee River, 

One traveler, Jose Bernardo Gutierrez de Lara, described 
the stand that Colbert built near his ferry as "a country
place." Unlike other frontier buildings, it had an
"abundance of glass in windows and doors."

I find all the Indians on the road, particularly
the Colbert family is very accommodating to
us, we shall be tolerably well supplied in passing
through the [Chickasaw] nation..."

Colonel John Coffee
War of 1812
As the end of the day nears, post 
riders and travelers on the Old Trace
gather at Colbert's stand.
Chickasaw Planter
Natchez Trace Parkway (near Natchez Trace Bridge Colbert side)
National Park Service U. S. Department of the Interior
A Chickasaw Planter
During the early 1800s, a slave-owning planter class, including George Colbert's family, emerged among the Chickasaw.

George's success stemmed from various endeavors. He fought with the Americans against the Shawnee and Creeks, traveled to Washington, D.C., as a tribal emissary, and steadfastly protected  Chickasaw rights during treaty councils.

In addition to a ferry and an inn that Colbert operated nearby, he grew cotton and raised cattle. His extensive plantation depended on the labor of 150 enslaved African Americans.'

After removal to "Indian Territory" in present-day Oklahoma, Colbert established another large farm. He died in 1839, already past his 80th birthday.

"Major Colbert, who ranks high in the government of his nation…has labored at the plow and hoe during the last season, and his example has stimulated others."

Benjamin Hawkins, 1801
US Agent for Indian Affairs

Though run-down when this photo was taken, Colbert's Stand was once an important landmark on the Natchez Trace. Until forced removal, Colbert and his family lived in a more substantial house near present-day Tupelo.

Bridging Cultures
Natchez Trace Parkway (near Natchez Trace Bridge Colbert side)
National Park Service U. S. Department of the Interior

Bridging Cultures
Near the bubbling waters of Buzzard Roost Spring, Levi Colbert (Itawamba Minko, "Bench Chief") built one of the many inns-called stands along the Natchez Trace.

However, Colbert's negotiating and language skills sustained him as a tribal leader. Bilingual, with a Scottish father and Chickasaw mother, he took advantage of opportunities in both cultures.

Across several decades, Colbert sat among the Chickasaw during treaty talks. Using his knowledge of white and Chickasaw society, he protected the Chickasaw homeland and his own interests.

A dogged negotiator, Colbert was trying to amend an 1832 treaty to gain better terms for the Chickasaw people when he died in 1834.

A 2012 inductee into the Chickasaw Hall of Fame, Levi Colbert earned a reputation as a skilled negotiator.
Something to Chew On 
Natchez Trace Parkway (near Natchez Trace Bridge Colbert side)
National Park Service U. S. Department of the Interior
Something to Chew on 
Inns, or stands, provided occasional shelter for travelers along the Natchez Trace. These stands offered food to eat and food for thought: local news, information, and ideas. The ever-changing mix of diverse populations—whites, American Indians, and African Americans—interacted at stands regularly.

A Chickasaw leader and successful businessman, Levi Colbert enhanced his influence with a stand he owned and operated at Buzzard Roost Spring. Trace travelers no doubt talked about Levi's stand. It was nicer than most and offered respite from the miles of footsteps that defined a Trace journey.
I came back through Cherokee and stopped at Spring Park, Tuscumbia, to take a picture of 
U. S. Army M60A3 Main Battle Tank
Obtained from Ft. Rucker, AL, by American Legion Post No. 31
April 28, 1999
*Weapons: 105 mm rifled cannon. 7.62 mm and .50 caliber machine guns.
*Engine: 750 hp. 12-cylinder air-cooled diesel.
*Crew-4 men: Weight-107.900 lb.: Speed-30 mph: Range-300 miles
*Entered service in 1960 and used by 22 countries

I ended the day by meeting the Tidwell family at 6 P.M. at Legends for a birthday dinner, where I enjoyed six boneless wings and a hot roll. 

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

History of the Shoals Area's Theatre's and Drive-ins

Muscle Shoals, AL Theatre’s and Drive-ins

Marbro Drive-In Theater (1961-1979)
1409 Woodward Avenue Muscle Shoals, AL 35660
Opening Date:
05/26/1961 First Movie: The Alamo
1961 Grand opening 
1979 Final night of operation 
Now occupied by Shoals Plaza Shopping Center, Torn down
closed, 1 screen, 550 cars
The Marbro Drive-In opened May 26, 1961, featuring “The Alamo” with John Wayne & Richard Widmark. It was built for Martin Theatre and designed by architect Rufus E. Bland. It had a 110 feet x 72 feet screen for showing CinemaScope pictures. It was advertised as the largest screen in northern Alabama. It had a 550-car capacity and had 200 car heaters for a year-long operation. The sound and projection equipment was Ballantine Sound-master and Simplex.
The Marbro Drive-In closed on December 2, 1979.
The Alamo starring John Wayne 5/26/61

Tri-cities Drive-In (Sept 10,1947-Sept 28, 1949)
Second Street and Baker Airway Muscle Shoals City
Operators AD Thompson and JO Hannah
It closed before 1950.
Tri-Cities Drive-In Theatre 

Cinema Twin Movie Theatre’s (1973-1998)
1302 Woodward Avenue, Muscle Shoals, AL 35661
closed, 2 screens
The Cinema I and II Theatre opened in Muscle Shoals on Thursday, May 24, 1973. It was the first twin theatre in the Shoals. One auditorium was decorated in red and the other was decorated in blue. This theatre was the first in the Shoals to feature rocking chairs

The theatre became a second-run theatre in its final years. Management transitioned from Martin to Carmike in 1985 along with the Capri 4 Theatres and the Martin Theatre. The name of this theatre became Cinema Twin Theatre. The theatre’s last night of operation was Thursday, August 6, 1998.
Cinema I & II showing Slither and Judge Roy Bean 
Tuscumbia, Alabama Theatre’s

Strand Theatre (1924-1955)
112 North Main Street Tuscumbia, Al 35674
closed, demolished, 1 screen, 750 seats
The Strand Theatre opened in 1924 seating 750. By 1941 it was operated by Muscle Shoals Theatre, a subsidiary of the Nashville, TN-based Crescent Amusement Co. 
The Strand Theatre closed its doors in January of 1955.
Strand Theater last date of movies that I found was Jan 29, 1955

Tuscumbian Theater (1950-1977)
117 South Main Street Tuscumbia, Al 35674
The Tuscumbian Theatre opened on Thursday, October 12, 1950. The theatre was located on Main Street in Tuscumbia.
The theatre was a marble-faced structure and was designed by Marr and Holman of Nashville, and was built by the Daniel Construction of Birmingham. 
The same firm was used for the Colbert Theatre in Sheffield and the Shoals Theatre in Florence. The theatre was operated by the Muscle Shoals Theatre. The theatre has a balcony and pushes back chairs. James Allen Hall was the original manager.
This theatre’s last night of operation was on January 12, 1977.
This building is still standing and being used as an office. The stadium seats were repaired and are being used at the Ritz Theater in Sheffield. Very little remains of the inside of the theater.
Tuscumbia Paint The Town
by artist Clay Allison
The last showing at the Tuscumbian Theatre was Drum 1/12/77
Sheffield, Alabama Theatre’s (1942-1971
Colbert Theatre(1942-1971)
319 North Montgomery Avenue Sheffield 35660
closed, demolished, 1 screen, 900 seats
The Colbert Theatre was opened in January of 1942. The theatre is located at 900. 
The architects for the Colbert Theatre were Marr and Holman of Nashville. 
The theatre was operated by Muscle Shoals Theatre. The Colbert Theatre closed on Christmas Day in 1971.
Sheffield Paint the Town
by artist Clay Allison
Colbert Theatre showing 12/24/1971 The Wild Angels & last showing 12/25/1971 Black Beauty

Liberty Movie Theatre, (Opened in February 1915)
Sheffield, AL 35660 
closed, 1 screen 400 seats
Morris Lightman Sr formed The Sterling Amusement Company and opened his first theatre in a storefront he had rented in Sheffield, Alabama. 
The first theatre was built and operated by Morris Aaron Lightman, founder of MALCO Theatres.

3-Star Drive-in (1952-

South Montgomery Ave Sheffield, AL 
Opened June 8, 1952
3-Star Drive Inn June 8, 1952(not sure if this theatre made a go of it.

Ritz Theatre (1928-1951)(1980-present)
103 West Third Street Sheffield, Al 35660
open, 1 screen 350 seats
Built as a playhouse, the Ritz Theatre was opened on July 9, 1928, with a production of “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes”. Louis Rosenbaum was the district manager of Muscle Shoals Theatre, the company that owned the theatre, and C. J. Ross was the first manager of the Ritz Theatre. The Ritz Theatre had a seating capacity of 408 downstairs, 173 in the ‘white’ balcony, and 101 in the ‘colored’ balcony, a total of 682 seats. The theatre had a Wurlitzer organ. It was refitted in 1933 to accommodate talkies and to undergo a sleek Art Deco-style makeover. On Saturday, January 23, 1933, the theatre had another ‘Grand Opening’ when President Roosevelt visited Florence that day. 1941 Muscle Shoals Theatre is a subsidiary of the Nashville Tennessee  Crescent Amusement Co.
The Ritz Theatre remained one of Sheffield’s most popular movie houses until it went out of business on June 9, 1951.
In 1985, the Ritz Theatre was purchased by the Tennessee Valley Arts Association and restored to its 1930s appearance, complete with its unusual auditorium side wall decoration, resembling giant fans.
The Ritz Theatre is now home to the Center Stage Community Theater, which performs both classical and contemporary plays in the setting of a classic small-town movie house.

Ritz Theatre Sheffield, Al
Ritz opened July 9, 1928

Park-Vue Drive-In (1950-1961)

Highland Park Sheffield, Al 

Opening date: 1950/05/11

The first movie is shown: Calamity Jane And Sam Bass
The Park-Vue Drive-In opened on Thursday, May 11, 1950, at 6:30. 
It was located in Highland Park in Sheffield, AL. Admission was originally 45 cents for adults and children under 12 were admitted free. The theatre had individual Ballantyne speakers for each car.
On opening night, the movie "Calamity Jane and Sam Bass" was shown. 
The theatre opened at 6:00 and the first show was started at sundown. Free ice cream and popcorn were given to children on opening night.
This drive-in's last night of business seems to have been March 5, 1961.
Park-Vue Drive-in Showing Calamity Jane & Sam Bass Opening May 11, 1950

Florence, Alabama Theatre’s and Drive-ins

Shoals Theater (1948-1980)Reopened in 2011 and used as live theatre
123 North Seminary Street Florence, Al 35630
open, renovated, 1 screen, 1,344 seats
The Shoals Theatre opened on Thursday, October 21, 1948. The theatre was located at 123 North Seminary in Florence, at the corner of Seminary Street and Mobile Street, diagonally across from the post office. 
The theatre was in a new building also containing four stores. One store, Brother and Sister Shop, was already open and in operation, but the other three stores opened at the same time as the theatre.
The theatre had 1,344 seats in orchestra and balcony levels. At the time of its opening, it was the fourth-largest theatre in the state and the largest in any town with an under 100,000 population. 
The theatre featured the voice of the theatre sound equipment and had a completely duplicating set that could be activated by a snap of a switch in case of failure.
The theatre was the first in the South to feature Slide-back seats, which could be retracted six inches with the shove of the body, to make it easier for people to walk in front of the other customers. 
At the time there were only four other theaters in the world in possession of these seats.
This theatre’s last night of operation was Thursday, March 13, 1980. 

It was reopened for concerts, and special events and used in a film festival in 2011. By 2012, it was in use as a live theatre.
Shoals Theatre

Shoals Theatre opened on 10/22/1948 with that Lady in Ermine

Regency Square 12, Theatre(2004-March 2016) Bought out by AMC Theatres and is now called AMC Florence 12 (March 2016-present)
301 Cox Creek Parkway Florence, Al 35630 Opened 12 screens, 2,210 seats
Carmike opened the Regency Square 12 on November 11, 2004. 
Seating is listed at 2,210. Amenities include digital projection and sound, 3D capabilities, online ticketing, stadium seating, and first-run attractions.
Regency Square Cinemas 12
Regency Square 12 opened on November 11, 2004 

Joy-Lan Drive-In Theatre (1950-1983)
3155 Cloverdale Road Florence, Al 35632
closed, demolished, 1 screen, 600 cars
Owned and operated by the Martin family
built 1949-1950 (1950-1983)
opening 4/20/1950
first movie: Yes, Sir, That’s My Baby
1950 Grand Opening
1983 Final night of operation
details Now occupied by Christ Church

Joy-Lan Drive-in Theatre opened on April 24, 1950, with Romance on the High Seas

Wilson Drive-In Theatre (1950-1968)
4447 County Road 32 Florence, AL 35632
closed, demolished, 1screen, 536 cars
The Wilson Drive-In opened on July 12, 1950. 
It was owned by A. W.  Hammonds, W. W. Hammonds Jr, B. Coss, and E. D. Wells, all from Albertville, AL. 
They also owned the Marshall Drive-In in Albertville. A. W. Hammonds was the manager of the theatre. 
Later in 1959, James A. Duncan was hired to be the manager and A. W.  Hammonds retired. 
It had a 536-car capacity and had a playground for the kids. It also had outdoor seating for people without cars.

The Wilson Drive-In was closed on October 19, 1968. It was still listed in the newspaper ‘Welcome to Florence’ advertisements for 1969 and 1970 as a Martin Theatre. 
There is an electricity substation on the property now.

Wilson Drive-in Theatre opened on July 12, 1950 

The New Theatre/Norwood Theatre (1948-1968)
1130 N. Wood Avenue, Florence, AL 35630 closed, demolished, 1 screen 600 seats
The New Theatre opened on March 24, 1948, located on North Wood Avenue at Gilbert Court, with seating for 600. Just a month after opening in April the theatre received the new name of Norwood Theatre. 
The Norwood Theatre lasted until the late-1960s.
The building was destroyed by a fire on August 18, 1968, and the remains were demolished.
Sunday, August 18, 1968, at 8:25 AM this theater burnt down.
Norwood Theatre North Florence (this mural is hanging in Florence Mall)
Norwood Theater Burned down Aug 18, 1968, 8:25AM 
Name Changed to Norwood 4/20/48
Fireman battle the Norwood Theater fire Sunday 
Times Daily Aug 19, 1968
Cause of Blaze probed 
The cause of the blaze which destroyed the 20-year-old Norwood Theater early Sunday morning has not been determined, Florence fireman said this morning.
four trucks answered the call Sunday at 8:25AM but the fireman said the fire was out of control by the time they arrived. The fireman is still attempting to determine what caused the blaze, believed to have started in the area of the stag. The department fought the blaze for approximately three hours. Buildings on both sides of the theater reported some water damage. The theater, presently owned by the Martin chain, was opened in March 1948, and the first owners Dan Davis and HL Bobo first announced it would be a supermarket. About 30 days before opening they announced it would be a movie theater.
Martin officials said today no decision had been made on whether or not to rebuild the structure. Local officials were expected to hear today from the home office in Columbus, Ga,.
The original construction cost of the 564-seat theater was $80,00 and was reportedly sold to the Martin firm in 1961 for $175,000.
The theater was closed for about 3 years after the new owners took over.
Martin officials said they have no estimates of the loss suffered by the blaze. 
The fire collapsed the roof of the structure, although the brick walls were left standing. The Muscle Shoals area is now left with only three in-door theaters. 
The New Theater opened March 24, 1948, with Buck Privates Come Home
Martin Theatre (1970-1988)
Grant Plaza Shopping Center, Florence, AL 35630
closed, 1 screen 450 seats
The Martin Theatre opened at the Grant Plaza Shopping Center 1700 Darby Drive Florence, AL on Friday, December 4, 1970. 
The theatre was the first automated theatre in the Shoals. 
This allowed the projectionist to press a button to start the movies and the automation equipment would dim the auditorium lights and start the show.
The theatre featured X-Eton lamp houses. The screen size for cinemascope was 15 feet by 35 feet and the size for normal features (flat widescreen) was 15 feet by 28 feet. 
Helen Slay was the first manager of the location and Warren Carswell was the city manager for Martin Theatres.
This theatre became a Carmike theatre on October 25, 1985, along with the Capri 4 and Cinema Twin Theatres. 
Martin’s last night of business was on June 9, 1988.
Location of Martin Theater in 1970
Grant Plaza 1700 Darby Drive Florence, Al 
  now The Brass Monkey1816 Darby Drive
          Florence, Alabama
Dirty Dingus Magee staring Sinatra Grand Opening at Martin Theater 12/4/1970

Majestic Theatre (1919-1951)
204 N. Court Street, Florence, AL 35630
closed, demolished, 1 screen, 400 seats
The Majestic Theatre opened on Saturday, August 30, 1919. 
It was located at 204 North Court Street next to the new First National Bank building. 
From the advertisements, it was not clear what was shown on opening day, but the primary advertisements announced a “Paramount Artcraft Special,,"" a motion picture style show with living models and moving pictures called “That Well Dressed Look” for September 1 and 2. 
The theatre seated 400 people. Opened by Morris Lightman Sr under the Sterling Amusement Company.
The last night of operation for the Majestic Theatre was June 9, 1951.
Majestic Theater showing Outside the Law 
Majestic Theatre opens with "Bar 20 Rides Again" and "Fugitive Valley."

Hickory Hills Cinema 6 (1978-2008)
1949 Florence Boulevard, Florence 35630
closed 6 screens 1,350 seats
Litchfield Theatre opened the Hickory Hill in March of 1978 as a three-screen venue. A year later a fourth screen was added.
The theatre went through another renovation in 1985 and two more screens were added. Stereo sound was added to the auditoriums at this time. United Artists took over operations at this time. Carmike Theatre operated the Hickory Hills from 1989 until it closed in January 2008.
Hickory Hills Cinema opened in March 1978

Hickory Hills Cinema (Now Grace House)

Hickory Hills Cinema sign 

Hickory Hills Sign & Building 

Cinema Theatre (Princess) (1919-1966)
215 East Tennessee Street Florence, 35630
closed, 1 screen, 700 seats

The Princess Theatre in Florence opened on Labor Day, Monday, September 1, 1919, with a cost of $75,000 and a seating capacity of 1200. The ads referred to the theatre as the “$75,000 Opera House”. 
The theatre was fashioned in a Spanish motif and had a chandelier and a cork linoleum floor.

On Monday, April 13, 1925, the theatre was reopened after remodeling and replacement of the roof. 500 balloons were thrown from the top of the theatre, each containing a pass. Professor George E. Hatch played the Wurlitzer organ for the opening that day. 
By 1941 it was operated by Muscle Shoals Theatre, a subsidiary of Nashville, TN. Based Crescent Amusement Co.

On Wednesday, April 30, 1958, the theatre was again remodeled and reopened as the Cinema Theatre. It had new seats and was reconfigured with a total seating capacity of 700 and new decorations. Restrooms, carpeting, lobby, and cry room. The theatre was operated by Rosenbaum Theatre at this time, which also operated the Shoals, Tuscumbian, and Colbert Theatres at this time.
The Cinema Theatre’s last night of operation was September 24, 1966.
Princess Theatre Opened Sept 1, 1919 
Cinema Theater opened on April 30, 1958, with The Long Hot Summer
Princess Theater opened  September 1, 1919
Capri Theatre opened in July 1978 with Star Wars and The End 
Capri Four (1978-2004)
301 Cox Creek Parkway Florence, Al 35630
closed demolished, 4 screens 865 seats
The Capri Twin opened in July of 1978 and was operated by Martin Theatres. 
It was located behind Regency Square Mall. The theatre was remodeled in 1983 and two screens were added.
Carmike took over operations in 1985. 
The last day of operation was September 19, 2004. 
The building was demolished to make way for more parking for the new Carmike that was built next to where the Capri sat.
Wilson Theatre at Wilson Dam 9/5/1919
Wilson Theatre at Wilson Dam advertised on September 5, 1919, not sure when it opened 

The Wheeler Drive-inn Theater
Elgin Cross Roads 
A now wooded area was once a drive-in theater, located on Highway 72, just east of Highway 101, the Southeast corner of that intersection. It appears to have been in business by around 1955, according to aerial photography, closing in 1971. One of the entrance trails is barely still visible at the edge of Highway 72. While this is usually referred to as Elgin (Crossroads), it appears to now be considered Rogersville city.
The Mary Drive-In opened on July 12, 1953, featuring “Meet Captain Kidd” starring Abbott & Costello & Charles Laughton. It was a small drive-in with a 200-car capacity. It was closed on October 30, 1961. The last show Ferry to Hong Kong with Orson Welles, Curt Jurgens
It was re-opened on July 2, 1966, as the Fox Drive-In. It closed in 1970.
Hwy 72 Cherokee, Al
The Opera House Florence Feb 3, 1911
The Florence Theater on April 28, 1918
Could not find the Location of this theatre
Theato in Florence, Al  Jan 9, 1914
Not sure of the location or opening date
The Theato Under new management Dec 5, 1913
It appears to have opened previously.
Frontpage along with Florence Opera House

Theatres listed in Florence Times Jan 9, 1912
The Ritz Sheffield
Princess Florence
Strand Tuscumbia
Majestic Florence
Bijou before the awing was added
The Bijou Silent Theater opened at the turn of the 20th century in Tuscumbia
opened Sept 30, 1919, and closed on April 13, 1920
What remains of the Bijou Silent Theatre
Built at the turn of the 20th Century.
Tuscumbia Paint the Town
by Artist Clay Allison

The newspaper clippings came from the Florence Times/Times Daily.
The pictures of theatres, storefronts, and signs were taken by me.
Links to FB Sheffield, & Tuscumbia Paint the Town by Clay Allison
Links & information at Cinema Treasures

Theaters were owned by the Rosenbaum family in 1951 
Muscle Shoals Theaters

    Louis & Stanley Rosenbaum

Princes, Majestic Theaters, Shoals located in Florence, Alabama

Colbert, Ritz Theaters, located in Sheffield

Strand, Tuscumbian Theaters, located in Tuscumbia, Alabama

Ritz, Plaza Theaters located, in Athens, Alabama 





Trip to San Antonio Feb 16-22, 2025 Diamonds in the Rough

  Day 1: Sunday, Feb 16, Everyone meets at the Club bus, which arrives at 7:30 A.M., and we leave for Texarkana, AR, at 8:00 A.M. We stopp...