Showing posts with label leo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label leo. Show all posts

Sunday, May 8, 2016

2010 April 11, Sunday, History is fun with Grandkids

Sunday morning I took four of my grandchildren to town. It was a beautiful spring day with flowers blooming every. 
We stopped at Wilson Park, the trees were filled with beautiful full pink flowers. 
Water was spouting into the air while droplets were falling back into the fountain. When the wind blew the water would fall on us. 
Wilson Park Fountain
Granddaughters near the flowering trees
Grandson at the Bank 
We walked across the street to take a picture of the Bank that was built as a replica of the Forks of Cypress. My grandson posed for me as I told them about the history of the Forks of Cypress.

We walked down Mobile Street stopping to look at the display window The House of Heroes, a comic book store. 
The House of Heroes
We continued walking down South Court Street stopping in front of the Courthouse.
Grandsons at Courthouse
We walked up North Court Street stopping to take a picture of the horse sculpture
 horse sculpture
We continued walking up North Court Street stopping to take pictures.
Measuring the width of the tree
Stopping for a picture
Finally, we reached UNA and walked across the bridge just off Pine Street.
Crossing the bridge

The grandkids joined arms together and begin singing Follow the Yellow Brick Road. 

Follow the Yellow Brick Road
We stopped to see the sculptures of Romeo and Juliet.

My grandson with Juliet 
We stopped to see the lions UNA and LEO.
Leo & UNA 
We walked to the entrance of UNA and then walked back to Wilson Park.
The University of North Alabama 
We loaded into the van and rode to Spring Park in Tuscumbia where the grandkids enjoyed feeding the ducks. 
Grandkids feeding the ducks
They played on the playgrounds.
Playing on the equipment on the playgrounds
Grandsons at Stage Coach Stop 
We walked down to the waterfalls so the kids could play in the water and to take a few pictures.
Grandson at the falls
Grandkids playing in the water
We walked up to the Stage Coach Stop at the top of the hill of Spring Park a historic site
View of Spring Park from the top of the hill.I had a wonderful time with the grandkids. We went to Wilson & Spring Parks, we walked in downtown Florence to UNA and back to Wilson Park.
Learning can be fun. 
We went home and I grilled hamburgers. 

Sunday, April 12, 2015

2015 ~Sunday, April 12, Spending the day with grandson's at UNA, & Florence Library!

Took the boys with me to church, after church we ate lunch at Zaxby's, I ordered a Zaxby's Snack Meal, with salad no fries, Nevada ordered Kickin' Chicken sandwich meal, Montana ordered hot wings with fries. 
The place was packed, I think everyone got out of the church at the same time even Arby's was packed.

Then on to target we rode to UNA to see the two lions LEO and UNA, where they were resting, they both moved one time and that was to get into the shade.

Leo the male lion
UNA the female lion
I stopped to take pictures of the flowing fountain and historic builds, the colorful tulips, and flowering white & pink dogwood trees.
Dogwood Trees
I took the boys to see the new science building at UNA, the building was so big that I could not walk far enough back to get the whole building into one picture.

Science Center UNA
We rode to the Florence Lauderdale Public Library where the boys played on the computer and I listen to James Parker talk about From the Cumberland to the Gulf: Tennessee Troops traversing the Alabama County during the War of 1812.
There were many items about the War of 1812 on display at the library. 

War 1812 Hat
Cup used in war 1812
7th US Infantry Soldier
7th US Infantry Soldier

Sword of Colonel Daniel Newnan Georgia Volunteers

This concluded the series about the War of 1812.
I took the boys home and dropped by to see Mike and Hannah.
For supper, my husband brought home Chinese food from New China Chinese Restaurant.
I ate 2 shrimp egg rolls and a chocolate-covered donut filled with custard. My husband ate sesame chicken, white rice and soup, he had enough leftovers for his lunch.
We spent a quiet afternoon relaxing and watching television.

Trip to San Antonio Feb 16-22, 2025 Diamonds in the Rough

  Day 1: Sunday, Feb 16, Everyone meets at the Club bus, which arrives at 7:30 A.M., and we leave for Texarkana, AR, at 8:00 A.M. We stopp...