Showing posts with label gardens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gardens. Show all posts

Monday, December 16, 2024

2019 Christmas Journal

 2019 Jan 7, Day Trip Guntersville State Park AL with Travis 

2019 Jan 11 & 25 Worked Killen Book Store 9–1 P.M.

2019 Feb 10, Ava Grace Birthday Party Deibert Park 2–4 P.M.

2019 Feb 18, Day Trip to American Village Montevallo, AL with Travis

2019 Feb 25-26 Trip to Paris & Tiptonville, TN with Travis 

2019 Mar 1, Killen Book Store 9-1PM

2019 Mar 2, Wings to Soar Wheeler Wildlife Refuge Decatur 11–12 P.M.

2019 Mar 5, Through the Back Door the Music that Bridged the Bayou Mardi Gras Luncheon Sheffield Library 11–1:00 P.M. (Storytelling)

2019 Mar 6, Yellow Deli Pulaski 

2019 Mar 7,  Get Dirty at Library Pruning Fruit & Ornamentals 11:30–12:30 P.M.

2019 Mar 16, Trolley Miracle Ride: Helen Keller in Living History – Learn the incredible story of Helen Keller, led by her great-niece, Keller Johnson Thompson. Includes a tour of Ivy Green, Keller's birthplace. 

2019 Mar 21, Get Dirty at Library Spring Vegetables & Seed Exchange 11:30–12:30 P.M.

2019 Mar 23, Fathers of our Faith Trolley Tour First Presbyterian, Leslie Chapel Tuscumbia 

2019 Mar 24-30 Trip Naples, FL (Naples Botanical Gardens)

2019 Apr 2,  Ate lunch at Brass Lantern and Mimosa Cemetery Lawrenceburg, TN 

2019 Apr 6,  Sheffield Historic Homes Walking Tour 10-12 with Jimmy Austin

2019 Apr 6,  Macy & Matt Green Wedding Stormi Jo's Barn 697 Co RD 251 Moulton, Al 

2019 Apr 7,  Wilson Park, UNA, McFarland, Heritage Park taking pictures

2019 Apr 16, Attended Sheffield Paint the Town with Clay Allison Sheffield Library

2019 Apr 19, Worked Killen 19–1 P.M. & Funeral Kenneth Sykes

2019 Apr 20, Walking Tour Business downtown Tuscumbia with John McWilliams

2019 Apr 26, Chinese Lantern Festival @Huntsville Botanical Gardens, Al 

2019 Apr 27, Sheffield Business Historic Walking Tour 10-12 with Jimmy Austin

2019 May 3,  Birthday Dinner at Logan's with Mike, Hannah, Jake, Lindsey, and Chad. Going to be Grandmother (Jake and Lindsey are going to have a baby)

2019 May 6,  Literary Treason with Dolores Hydock at Helen Keller Library, Pictures Spring Park (Storytelling)

2019 May 8, Day Trip Memphis Botanical Gardens and Dinner Bell Corinth, MS 

2019 May 10, Worked Killen Book Store 9–1 P.M. 

On May 12, 2019, Mother's Day, I received a Card from Lora. Andy and Charity gave me herbs, including Sage Parsley. Ron gave me a Coleus Plant, and Mike gave me a Red Rose and a Hummingbird Welcome Flag.

2019 May 15  Day Trip to Decatur Old Bank Gardens, Frazier Gardens, Delano Gardens, Children Garden Delano Park & we ate dinner at Jack's Decatur 

2019 May 16, Po-up Concert with Josh Goforth at Florence Library (Storytelling)

2019 May 16, Dishing up Dirt Stories from the Garden by Dolores Hydock& brunch (Storytelling)

2019 May 17-18 Shoals Front Porch Storytelling Festival 9-5 both days (Storytelling)

2019 May 21, Florence Ophthalmology Dr. Gray's Eye press up to 34. Made an appointment to see Dr. Slater on June 17, 2019(May need surgery)

2019 May 25, We Rocked the World Trolley Tour 12:20-4 Tuscumbia Visitor Center 

2019 May 26,  Memorial Day Celebration with family Cooked Chicken Stew & Grilled Hamburgers & hotdogs

2019 June 4,  Tuesday Day Trip to Atlanta Botanical Gardens Atlanta, GA

2019 June 7,  Worked at Killen Book Store 9–1 P.M.

2019 June 12, Day Trip Cooks Museum Decatur 

2019 June 17, Doctor Appointment with Michael Salter Maynor and Mitchell Eye Clinic 

2019 June 25, Tube placed in Right Eye Surgery Center Huntsville Dr. Salter 

2019 June 22, Baby Hughes Revel (Hayne) BOY  

2019 June 28, Checkup on eyes with Doctor Salter 

2019 July 7,  Spring Park Tuscumbia taking pictures 

2019 July 10, Checkup on eyes Doctor Salter 

2019 July 12, Worked at Killen Book Store 9–1 P.M.

2019 July 19, Visitors Center to listen to Angela Hacker and James LaBlanc(Handy Fest)

2019 July 23, Switched from Direct TV to Dish 

2019 July 25, Visitor Center to listen to Kerry Gilbert and Hugh Banks (Handy Fest)

2019 July 31, Stitches removed from the right eye, Doctor Salter 

2019 Aug 5,   Took Ava to Pre-school to Register 

2019 Aug 8,   Spent the day with old friend Dot Winstead

2019 Aug 9,   Killen Book Store 9-1PM

2019 Aug 13,  Lab work for Pellets and picked up Ava at School

2019 Aug 14,  Receive new passport in mail

2019 Aug 22,  Cataract Surgery on left eye Doctor Salter Dinner Walton's Family Restaurant Huntsville

2019 Aug 29,  Recheck on Left eye Doctor Salter Ate lunch at Dave's & Busters 

2019 Sept 9,  Grandparents Day at Rogers with Ava Grace(ME, Hubby, and Teresa Clanton)

2019 Sept 12, Return to Oka Kapassa Killen Town Hall W/Amy Bluemel, Lyndon Alec (Storytelling)

2019 Sept 13, Worked Killen Book Store 9-1

2019 Sept 14, Wilson Park Walking Tour led by Billy Warren

2019 Sept 16, Day Trip Huntsville Botanical Gardens 

2019 Sept 19, Cleaning Dentist 

2019 Sept 20, Chiropractor visit 

2019 Sept 30, Helen Keller Deliverance a Silent Film Helen Keller Library

2019 Oct 3,   Last stitch & scar tissue removed right eye, Dr Salter 

2019 Oct8-11  Trip to Pigeon Forge, Luminights Dollywood Pigeon Forge, TN 

2019 Oct 15,  Recheck on Right Knee Doctor Goodman 

2019 Oct 18,  Rogers Homecoming Parade with Andy & AVA 

2019 Oct 19,  Finding Huntsville Walking Tour 

2019 Oct 22,  Trunk N Treating Elgin took AVA

2019 Oct 23,  Belue Pumpkin Patch with Andy & AVA 

2019 Oct 25,  Killen Book Store 9–1 P.M. 

2019 Oct 27,  Historic Markers, Lagrange Park, Spring Park 

2019 Oct 28,  Day Trip Historic Markers, David Crockett Museum, Park, Brass Lantern

2019 Oct 29,  Trunk N Treating Killen Park Took AVA 


2019 Nov 2,   Killen Book Store 9-1PM 

2019 Nov 8,   Killen Book Store 9-1PM

2019 Nov 10,  Fiddlers, Banjo Players & Strawbeaters: Our First Pop Musicians Indian Mt

2019 Nov 13,  CBS

2019 Nov 16, Tracy totaled her car (Hit a deer)

2019 Nov 20, CBS, Dr Haggstrom 2:45

2019 Nov 23, Edith MIlberger dies

2019 Nov 28, Thanksgiving at Mikes

2019 Nov 29, Thanksgiving at Jenkins Went with Hubby and his sister to buy a Nissan Sentra at Bramlett KIA Decatur, Wheeler Wildlife Refuge, Enchanted Forest Christmas Trees (they only had a few decorated).

2019 Dec 1, Tracy fell and broke her foot

2019 Dec 3, Keller Imaging Mammogram & Bone Density Test 12:45 P.M. 

2019 Dec 4, CBS, Dr. Salter 1:45 P.M., Root Canal Shoals Creek Dental & Tinsel Trail Hsv

2019 Dec 5, Root Canal 1 P.M. did not take 

2019 Dec 6, Trees of Christmas @TVAM

2019 Dec 7, Christmas Brunch w/Dolores Hydock Clarion Inn 10 A.M.

2019 Dec 8-13 Pigeon Forge, TN w/Sherry, Bobbie, Teresa

2019 Dec 9, Tracy's foot surgery 

2019 Dec 14, Spend the morning visiting my new great-grandson, Hayne

2019 Dec 15, Athens North Pole Stroll, Decatur's Enchanted Forest, and took Andy, River, and Ava to Santa Land 

2019 Dec 16, Two Root Canals Smith & Smith Endodontics 9:30 A.M. & glued Bridge back on

2019 Dec 17, Dr. Evans placed a post for the new Bridge & Travis temporary crown

2019 Dec 18, Christmas Brunch at CBS

2019 Dec 20, Pick up Lora at Nashville Airport

2019 Dec 21, Christmas @ Mikes 6 P.M.

2019 Dec 23, Took Lora to Nashville Airport 

2019 Dec 25, Ronald's Birthday/Mike's Christmas/Visit Dad

2019 Dec 27, Rock Pile, Spring Park, Railroad Bridge taking pictures

2019 Dec 31, Becky's to play games with sisters

Friday, May 5, 2023

2023 April 29, Decatur Historic Homes and Garden Walking Tours

April 29: Garden Tour, led by the Historic Decatur Association 

The public is invited to tour some of the residents' private gardens. The tour begins at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 801 Jackson St, SE.

 We had a large crowd for the Garden Walking tour in Decatur. 

Large Crowd from different towns

Everyone met at the Westminster Presbyterian Church, 801 Jackson St SE. Decatur.  

Westminster Presbyterian Church 801 Jackson St SE. Decatur.

We learned the history and architectural structure of several different homes.

We finished our walk at Delano Park, where beautiful roses bloomed.

After the guided tour, everyone was disbursed.

Pink roses at Delano Park 

This young girl set up a Lemonade Stand.
 It was a hot day, and we purchased a glass. 

From 11–3 P.M., we tour 9 personal gardens. 3 Gardens were on Sherman St., 2 on Gordon Dr, 1 on Jackson St., and 1 on Cherry Street. 1 on Line St. and 1 on Oak St. There was someone at each location to greet us and tell us about their garden.

On the first garden tour, we saw these beautiful red lilies.

Fish Pond 

Beautiful Yellow Flower

This garden was like having a forest in your backyard.
There was a Bird Feeder, a greenhouse, walkways, and more.

There was a story about how this statue came to this garden, but I don't remember. 

After the Garden tour, we enjoyed a lovely lunch at Mellow Mushroom in Decatur. We ordered a small Maui Wowie on Stone Ground Crust Pizza. It was delicious.

A small Maui Wowie on Stone Ground Crust Pizza.

Saturday, October 2, 2021

2021 Aug 10, Cheekwood Botanical Gardens Nashville, Tennessee

Hubby and I traveled the backroads to Cheekwood Botanical Gardens in Nashville, TN, via Natchez Trace, getting off at the Leipers Fork exit. Hubby parked the car near the entrance and showed the girl at the ticket counter our online tickets.
Pink LEGO Dog 
The first thing we saw as we entered the gardens was a big pink dog made of Lego blocks. We walked down a long winding sidewalk down several steps to the Train Exhibit, inspired by the Little Engine Who Could.
In front of us was a couple with a very independent little girl with a head full of curls who was about two or three years old. What a magical place, as you enter the land of trains and Fairy mushroom villages. The train exhibit was built of rough timbers and five train tracks totaling over 800 feet of track. As we walked through, we saw trains going over bridges and through tunnels. We were in a magical land of trains.
We saw beautiful yellow lilies floating in the lily ponds and pink, orange, white, and red roses busted with life in the Rose Study Garden.
We saw art pieces made of musical notes and wire. We also saw many Yellow and Black swallowtails on the butterfly bushes.
Yellow Swallowtail 
We saw a red lion, a zebra, a blue bear, colorful birds, a red turtle, a green lawnmower, and a man working in the garden, all made of Legos. Also, LEGO rabbits were spotted throughout the Bradford Robertson Color Garden. We walked around the mansion, but not inside. Workers were repairing the pool in front of the Mansion in the Martain Boxwood Gardens.
Cheekwood Mansion 
There were waterfalls, ponds, and creeks running through the gardens. We visited the Art Bark exhibit, which featured crayon sculptures by Nashville artist Herb Williams. Inside the visitor center were restrooms, drink machines, and a beautiful rose LEGO sculpture. We took a break to cool off, drink a soda, and use the restrooms before beginning our journey home; we did not walk the entire gardens but had a wonderful time. We traveled home along the backroads, this time taking a different route. We came out in Columbia, TN. We got a late fish lunch at Long John Silvers and brought it home.

Friday, April 23, 2021

2021 April 17, Mooresville Walking Tour and Huntsville Botanical Gardens

It was a great turnout at Mooresville, for I had to park along the side of the road and walk several blocks.
 We began at the Post Office, which closed at 10 AM, so if you wanted to go inside, you had to be there by 9:45 AM.
 We saw a couple of churches, a tavern, and several homes, and our guide talked about the history of the small town. 
We saw a beautiful little cottage that is now Lyla’s Little House of Mooresville. “All the sweet that’s fit to eat!”
Stage Coach Stop 
Lyla’s Little House of Mooresville
Brick Church
The brick church had been owned by several different denominations but was now owned by the town and used for weddings and town hall meetings. We walked inside the Brick Church, the Post Office, and the Tavern. Our guide passed out several booklets on Historic Mooresville's Bicentennial Est 1818 but ran out. It was a nice day for the tour. It was a little cool but warmed up quickly. I left before it ended because I couldn't hold it in any longer. I stopped at Cracker Barrel in Madison to use the restroom. 

 My next stop was the Botanical Gardens. I first went to the Butterfly house and saw one butterfly, a few turtles, and several children. I was so thirsty that I bought an orange crush drink and finished it off before I left the gardens. 
 Walked through the Children's Garden to the newly built Birdwatching building. Meet a man there who was building a new home and was getting ideas for his lawn. (shrubs, flowers, and such). Had a nice relaxing visit to the Huntsville Botanical Gardens?
Field of Wildflowers
I strolled through the wooded area along the paths less taken. I saw several Robin Redbreast, rabbits, and squirrels. As I was walking near the pond, I saw lots of turtles sunbathing. Yellow and White Wildflowers were blooming everywhere they were so pretty. I also walked through the herb garden.
 I had a great day but was tired from all that walking, and I still had to drive an hour or more home.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

✈️✈️✈️2019 Mar 24-30, Trip to Naples, Florida

Sunday, May 24, 2019
Southwest Airlines Flight 1066 
Leaves BNA at 10:15 at Gate C19, boarding group B. Position 3 arriving at FLL at 1:25 A.M. 
Hubby took me to the Nashville airport. We ate dinner at Red Robin Spring Hill at 6:55 P.M. We split a hamburger and fries.
Monday, March 25, 2019
It was a one-and-a-half-hour drive to Naples, so we arrived at Lora's apartment early in the morning. We both slept late.
For breakfast, I ate a slice of raisin bread and a banana. 
Lora had an infusion in Fort Myers that day, so I rode with her. We stopped at Bass Pro Shop just off I-75, address 10040 Gulf Center, Fort Myers.
At Bass Pro Shop, we saw river fish, ocean fish, raccoons, black bears, waterfowl, alligators, and Everglades.
The bartender said I could come inside and take pictures of the tropical fish and coral reefs in the aquarium. Hanging on the walls, we saw Southern Stingrays, a Great Hammerhead Shark, Sailfish, yellow tuna, and black-tip sharks.
Outside, we saw an old blue Red Head Pickup and a Great Gray Heron Bench where people could sit.

Red Head Pickup 
coral reef in the aquarium

I bought a pair of sunglasses to block out the sun so my eyes would give me a fit. 
Lora gave one of her Zyrtecs for allegories and some saline to wash out my eyes. 
She also gave me one of her steroid tablets for infection. 
At lunch, we stopped at Chick-fil-A. Lora and I split a salad, and each ordered a chicken sandwich with water to drink at location 5825 Airport Pulling Rd Naples, FL. 
I was so tired from the day's adventures and not getting enough sleep that I fell asleep on the sofa while Lora and Jackie went shopping.
Tuesday, March 26, 2019 
Lora had an early morning infusion, so I watched TV until she returned. For breakfast, I ate a banana and a slice of raisin bread. 
For lunch, Lora made a ham, cheese, avocado, and spinach sandwich on toasted bread with fruit salad. 
We rode to Clam Bay Beach, 410 Seagate Drive, Naples, FL 34103, where we took the trolley down the walkway to the beach.
Clam Bay Beach 
Pelican at Clam Bay Beach 
The Park consists of 35 acres of mangrove forest, coastal dunes, and 3,200 linear feet of beach on the Gulf of Mexico. A boardwalk provides access to the beach through a mangrove forest. The boardwalk is about three-quarters of a mile long and can be walked, or you can catch a ride on a free tram that runs continuously throughout the day.
We saw several people on the beach, boaters, and people fishing. We saw waterfowl flying overhead and in the water. A dolphin and manatee were spotted. We saw children playing in the sand. We saw a couple of children fishing and catching fish.
We saw a sign that said Welcome to Clam Pass Park. A sign that read Shells of Paradise Coast included worm shells, Calico Scallops, Mon Snail, Olive shells, fighting conch, Sandollar, Lighting Welk, Starfish, and Horse Conch. There was a sign about Palmetto and Fakahatchee grass.
All-day parking was $8.

We rode back to the apartment and walked around the lake, seeing a few birds. 
At 7:30, we rode to Vanderbilt Beach on Pelican Bay to watch a fantastic sunset. 
Sunset on Vanderbilt Beach 
Located at 280 Vanderbilt Beach Road, Naples, FL 34102, at the end of Vanderbilt Beach Road, Vanderbilt Beach County Park borders the Gulf of Mexico and is near plenty of hotels, shopping, and restaurants. 

We met Jackie and Geo on the beach, with hundreds of people watching the sun melt into the bay.
What a way to end the day! We had pizza for supper, and Jackie's boyfriend spent the night.
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Lora and I spent the day at Naples Botanical Gardens, 4820 Bayshore Dr, Naples, FL 34112, 1–4:40 P.M. Cost $19.99 each.💐 🌷
We browsed in the Chabraja Visitor Center.
Irma's Garden was complete ofgardensmatic plants such as the screw pines.
Katharine's Garden was a lush tropical landscape.
LaGrippe Orchid Garden was full of colorful, fragrant orchid species worldwide. 

Botanical Garden 
Orchid Garden
Lea Asian Garden had a Southeast Asian Javanese temple, an ancient blaze landscape filled with Bayan trees, a bamboo grove of established fruits, a lotus pool, and a stepping stone path through theGardenn that led to the Gardenalinese Shrine.
Kapnick Brazilian Garden was a garden of people of great diversity and color with a colorful wall.
Kapnick Caribbean garden was full of towering palms, tropical fruit, and vegetables.
Smith Children's Garden was full of vibrant flowers, vegetables, and butterflies—a landscape for children. We saw a bicycle, a hand pump, and a toilet decorated with flowers. We saw Flo and Joe, flower people, working in the vegetable garden. There was also a large turtle made of seashells. 
Scotts Florida Garden was full of trees, palms, a cascading stream, Lake Topkie, and Deep Lake. Florida was once an ancient seafloor.
There was a 90-acre Nature sanctuary boardwalk, which we did not take.
Water Garden with a lily pool full of lily pads and a boardwalk. 

Reflections on Glass: Frabel in the Garden is on exhibit in the gardens. It features diverse and complex sculptures that sometimes mimic the plants within the garGardenf. You see parallels between Frabel's pieces and the natural shapes of plants in forms and towering cube structures; each piece inspires viewers to discover the wonders of our living collection.

For supper, Lora and I split a chicken and shrimp Carbonara, breadsticks, and salad at Olive Garden, 1565 5th Ave S, Naples, FL 34102. We had leftovers. I used my Christmas gift card to pay $23,37.

That night, Lora and I met several of her friends at the Comedy Club, a two-drink minimum.
I ordered two bottles of glasses of water for @2.50 each. I was too full from supper to drink, so I brought my water home. 
The show was bashing ex-spouses, which was not too funny.
I enjoyed spending time with Lora's friends.

Thursday, March 28, 2019
I ate leftovers from Olive Garden for breakfast and lunch.
We rode to the Naples Preserve Boardwalk, corner of U.S. 41 North and Fleischmann Boulevard, where we walked along the boardwalk looking for box and gopher turtles. We talked with one of the park rangers who was walking on the bare ground, checking for turtles to make sure they were okay.
Inside the center, we saw signs telling about Naples Botanical Gardens,  Delnor-Wiggins Pass,  Rookery Bay, Collier-Seminole, Shy Wolf (Cardinal, Mocking Birds nests), boat Tailed Crackle nest) Natural Communities of Naples Preserve, Turtle Shells, What's in bloom, butterflies, bugs, Collier County, and Myrtle Oaks.
Tucan Statue
Our next stop was Naples Zoo, 1590 Goodlette Rd Naples, Florida 34102.
Art to Save the Sea was displayed throughout the zoo, artwork made entirely from garbage collected from beaches. 
The art we saw was Natasha the turtle, Priscilla the Faust Fish, Lidia the Seal, Rufus the Tiger Fish, American Sea Star, Daisy the Polar Bear, Grace the Humpback Whale, Gertrude the Penguin, and Chompers the Shark.
We stood in a long line to ride a slow-moving, tour-guided ferry around Monkey Island.
Very cool, enjoyable, and informative ride about Madagascar Animals
There were signs under a thatched roof telling about Monkey Island: trees like nowhere else, the island of Lemurs, more significant than any dinosaur egg, and the Madagascar Ferna group helps preserve the wonders of a fragile island nation.
We saw signs about Invisible Geckos, Abundant Chameleons, Madagascar burning, and living wonders. 

We saw American Alligators, Giant Anteater, Cotton-top Tamarin, Aldabra Tortoise,  Slender Horned Gazelle, Mt Bongo, Sulcate Tortoise, Gopher Tortoise, and Clouded Leopard.
We watched the feeding of the giraffes and alligators. Dr. Henry Nehrling, the founder of the Botanical Garden, Henry Badger, Plains Zebra, Feeding the Alligators, Cheetah, Why the Railroad Trestle? The famous toucan sign, Dead Trees Help the Living, and Marvelous Marsh make for fabulous filters. A swamp mystery, planting helps with trees for the future, shade-grown coffee helps farmers, birds, and the land, and you can find all these birds.

Friday, March 29, 2019 
We stopped at Dollar Tree for sunscreen and snacks to take to Delnor-Wiggins State Park beach.
Located 11135 Gulf Shore Drive Naples, Fl 34108
One of the most popular seaside destinations in Naples, the mile-long stretch of white sugar sand at Delnor-Wiggins has been rated as one of the best beaches in the nation
We saw Gray Pelicans perched, swimming, and flying overhead. 
We saw a Fish Hawk Osprey perched in a tree holding a fish.
We saw seagulls and white egrets waiting for a free fish from a fisherman.
This beach was more secluded than the other beaches that we had visited. 
We rode to Naples Municipal Beach and walked out on the long pier to watch the sunset. There were lots of people waiting for the sunset.

 Naples Municipal Beach Sunset
Address 25 12th Av S Naples Florida 34102 
The Naples Pier is a community landmark built in 1888 as a freight and passenger dock.
We rode to historic downtown Naples; Lora and Michelle waited in a long line of people to order our ice cream at Kilwins 743 5th Ave S, Naples, FL 34102.

Saturday, March 30, 2019
Lora had an infusion that morning, so I spent the morning with Jackie and Geo. We went to North Collier Regional Children's Park, 15000 Livingston Rd Naples, FL.
North Collier Regional Children's Park
Geo enjoyed playing at the Can U Dig It state-of-the-art playground, which has a colorful, modern design and looks like something from the future.  
The sleek look packs a lot of play value. The playground includes slides, swings, and climbing apparatus, but it takes play a step further. Kids can spin themselves dizzy on squiggly poles, climb on boulders that look like they came from the Monument Valley, or become junior archeologists in the covered fossil dig area.

When we got ready, Jackie realized she had locked her keys in her car. She called her boyfriend, and he brought her a spare set.
We rode back to the apartment, and by this time, Lora had returned. 
Lora, Michelle, and I rode to Fort Lauderdale for the rest of the day before my flight. 
We Stopped at Quarterdeck Restaurant, 300 N Beach Rd Dania Beach, FL, where we ate dinner.
Quarterdeck Restaurant
Quarterdeck Restaurant
We ordered three tacos, smoked shrimp, and smoked fish with French fries, and we all drank water with lemon.
We saw British Airways, & Southwest jets fly over, so we knew the airport was nearby.
You can see several towering buildings from Dania Pier in the downtown area.

We saw several cruise ships leave, so Fort Lauderdale must be a hub port for cruise ships.
Many people were sitting on the beach, a few in the water. The beaches were made of seagrass, more turbulent and less precise than the Naples Beaches.
We watched and waited for a lift bridge to let a sailboat through. The traffic was heavy in the downtown area, so I told Lora to take me to the airport so they could do some sightseeing.
I boarded the flight at 9:30, traveling Flight 4145, Boarding group B 23, an hour and a half flight.
Arrived in Nashville around 11:30 P.M. Hubby picked me up, and we rode home.
We stopped at the gas station, picked up some snacks, and rode home. We arrived home around 1:30 A.M. 
Had a great visiting my daughter and all the places we went to,

Trip to San Antonio Feb 16-22, 2025 Diamonds in the Rough

  Day 1: Sunday, Feb 16, Everyone meets at the Club bus, which arrives at 7:30 A.M., and we leave for Texarkana, AR, at 8:00 A.M. We stopp...