Showing posts with label tombstones. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tombstones. Show all posts

Sunday, January 1, 2023

2022 April 16, Walking tour Decatur Cemetery Decatur, AL with Phil Wirey

Today, I attended the walking tour of Decatur Cemetery, organized by Decatur Morgan County Tourism and Morgan County Historical Society.

Our guide talks about James & Ellen Hildreth.

The cemetery is located at Highway 20, west Decatur. Coordinates: 34.61690-87.00110

The first burial was recorded in 1855. The cemetery is divided into 7 sections, the Original, Brown Circle, Cantwell, Cowan, Decatur Land Company, Humes, and Sterrs. 

Two famous people are buried here. 

Christopher Columbus Harris, a US Congressman, was also a Lieutenant in the Civil War. He is buried in the Cantwell Section of the cemetery.

Seybourn Harris Lynne Jurist, a civil Rights Figure who served as US Federal District Judge from 1946 to 1973.

Marker and Civil War Graves 

Known buried within this cemetery
Isaac L. Beard 6th Ark Co B Dod April 1, 1862
John R. Hopkins Sgf. 12th LA. Inf. Co. A. KIA Oct. 28, 1864
Jacob Hubbard PVT 12th LA. INF. CO. H. KIA Oct. 28, 1864
John R. Palmer DOD Feb. 16, 1862
James E. Patrick CPL 12 LA. INF. CO. G. KIA Oct. 28, 1864

Beneath this hallowed ground lay the remains of fifty-five Confederate soldiers. They gave their lives to establish southern independence, protect their homes, and preserve state rights. These original headstones were placed in May 1903 by the Joe Wheeler Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy. On June 3, 1903, a dedication service was held by the Daughters of the Confederacy and veterans of the Horace King Camp, United Confederate Veterans. This site was rededicated on April 26, 2005, by the Joe Wheeler Chapter No. 291, United Daughters of the Confederacy and Sons of Liberty Camp 580, Sons of Confederate Veterans, Decatur, Alabama.

Confederate States of America

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Visiting Cemeteries

Antioch Cemetery Killen(Dec 9, 2003) June 9, 1997 
Anderson Cemetery Anderson (June 30, 2015) 
Arlington National Cemetery Arlington, VA (Nov 8, 2002) 
Ashberry Shiloh Cemetery Pigeon Forge TN (Nov 17, 2009
Atlas Cemetery Killen(Aug 27, 2003)
Athens Old town Cemetery Athens(April 17, 2016)
Athens Cemetery Athens(April 17, 2016)
Barbe Cemetery Lula, MS (Jan 17, 201) 
Barton Cemetery Barton, AL(July 30, 2009) 
Barnett Cemetery Lexington, AL(Mar 13, 2009)
Canerday Cemetery Florence, AL (Jan 23, 2003)
Cedar Grove (Nov 29, 2016) AUG 8, 1998
Center Hill Cemetery (Feb 12, 2009)
Chattanooga National Cemetery (Mar 22,2015)
Clemmons Cemetery (Aug 28, 2003)
Coffee Cemetery Florence(Sept 8, 2010) (April 10,2015)
Colbert Memorial Cemetery Tuscumbia(Oct 18,1997)
Coon Dog Cemetery Cherokee(July 30, 2009)
Corinth National Cemetery Corinth, MS(Sept 1, 2016) 
Cox Tidwell Killen(Feb 25, 2004 89photo)
Crowell Family Cemetery Fort Mitchell, AL (July 12, 2011)  
Demorest Cemetery Michigan(Aug 7,1998)
East Dayton Cemetery Dayton, MI(Aug 8, 1998)
Florence Cemetery (May 16, 2013)(May 14,2013)(May 3,2010)(2009 June 19) (Mar 11, 2009)(Oct 20, 2009) (June 19, 2009) (July 18, 2009) (May 3, 2014)
Fort Mitchell Fort Mitchel, Al (July 12, 2011
Forks Cypress Jackson Cemetery Florence, AL(June 7, 2009)
Glencoe Cemetery Tuscumbia, AL (June 24, 2016)
Glendale Cemetery Leighton April 3, 2008, Oct 18, 1997
Greenhill Cemetery Greenhill, AL Oct 4, 2003)
Greenview Florence, AL 
Grounds Cemetery at Hermitage, TN (Sep 25, 2010)
Hale Cemetery Killen, AL (Dec 12, 2003)
Harden Cemetery Killen, AL (Dec 6, 2006)
Harrison Cemetery Killen, AL (July 31, 2010)
Harrison Little Berry Cemetery Killen, AL 
Henry Stutts Cemetery Killen(Feb 20, 2009)
Hickory Flats Cemetery Lexington(Feb 2, 2004)
Hill Cemetery Killen(Jan 25, 2004)
Hugh McVay Moore Cemetery Florence(Sept 8, 2010)
Hunts Hill Cemetery, MS 17, 2012 
Jackson Tennessee Cemetery Wayne Co TN(Mar 12, 2003)
Jacksonburg Cemetery Florence(Oct 5, 2005)
JOE Wheeler Cemetery Pond Springs, AL(April 17, 2013)
Killen Baptist Church Cemetery Killen April 11, 1999 
Killen Cemetery Killen(Jan 30, 2009)
LaGrange Cemetery LaGrange, AL (Nov 21, 2009)
Lone Cedar Cemetery Florence(Jan 12, 2009)
Loretta Cemetery Loretta, TN(Aug 21, 2003 7photo)
Maple Hill Cemetery Huntsville, AL (Oct 17, 2010) (May 4, 2010)(Oct 18, 2009) (2009 Aug 25) (Oct 13, 2013)
Maple Hill Cemetery Helena, AR (Jan 17,2012) 
Mimosa Cemetery Lawrenceburg, TN (Oct 22,2016)
Mt Hermon Savannah, TN (June 22, 1997)
Mt Pleasant Tn 
Mt Zion Cemetery Florence, AL(Aug 13, 2003,) (Sept 6, 1997)
North Carolina Cemetery Killen Sept 21, 2003, May 31, 1997, July 11, 1998
Oak Grove Paducah, KY (Sept 14, 2011)
Oakwood Cemetery Montgomery, AL (Oct 11, 2013) 
Oakwood Annex Montgomery, AL (Oct 11, 2013)
Oakwood Sheffield Cemetery, AL (Sept 6, 2010)(July 27, 2009)(Mar 12,2003)
Oakwood Tuscumbia Cemetery(May 14, 2013)(Oct 21, 2009)(July 27, 2009),(April 25, 2015)(Oct 18, 1997)
Peck Cemetery Killen(Dec 12, 2003)
Pettus Cemetery Lexington, AL 
Piney Grove Cemetery Hardin County, TN June 22, 1997
Rogers Chapel Zip City, AL 
Rogers Williams Cemetery Providence, RI (July 20, 2014) 
Sadler Cemetery Russellville, Al (Oct 1, 2013)
Saint Margaret’s Cemetery Montgomery, Al (Oct 11, 2013)
Shaw Cemetery Leighton, AL(Oct 18, 1997)
Shiloh National Cemetery Shiloh, TN (Sept 1, 2009)
Tabernacle Cemetery Greenhill, Al(Aug 24, 2003) (Aug 2003)
Union Springs, Ga Cemetery (April 22, 2007)
Wade Cemetery (Mar 21, 2003) (Sept 24, 2009), (June 22, 1997)
Wesley Cemetery Central, Al(Feb 26, 2004) (June 9, 1997)
Winston Cemetery Tuscumbia, AL(July 27, 2009) 
Wilson Cemetery St Florian, Al (Oct 21, 2009)

Friday, June 16, 2017

🚙2017 June 13, Tuesday, Day Trip to Bowling Green, Kentucky

We left home around seven, it was a great day for traveling.
Hubby and I traveled north on Highway 43 to Murphy's in Lawrenceburg, TN, where we filled up with gas.

We stopped at Cracker Barrel in Spring Hill, where Hubby ordered a big breakfast, and I ordered two slices of sourdough toast, one scrambled egg, and two pieces of bacon with iced tea to drink.

Leaving Spring Hill onto I-65 north, traveling through Nashville to Bowling Green.
You can see the Corvette Museum and Car Plant from the interstate.

We arrived at the Corvette Museum a little before 11AM, stopping outside to take pictures of the Michelin Man, Air Tank, and Corvette on display at the entrance.

Designed especially for the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta, GA
Michelin Man, Coats Air Gage Tank
Hubby parked, and we went inside the museum, stopping to view a few Corvettes on display before going to the ticket counter.
We were given armbands, and then we were told the plant tour was across the highway.
Our scheduled time to tour the plant was 11:30AM.
Hubby let me out near the entrance and went to park the van.
I walked up the long corridor to the entrance, and once inside, I got in line for tickets.
I already had our tickets, and I asked for a wheelchair.
The tour is about an hour long and a lot of walking. They recommended using a wheelchair if you are having problems walking. (So I said yes)
I was wheeled inside and given a yellow time card and told them hubby was on his way.
Bowling Green Plant outside (no electronic devices allowed inside)
We watched a video, and the 11 15 tours were called.
When the 11:30AM tour was called, we lined up.
We had two tour guides, one in front and one at the end of the line.
Before we went inside, we were all given safety glasses to wear.
We followed our guides and were told to stay behind the yellow lines.
We stopped along the way for the guides to tell us about the assembly of the Corvettes.
The tour took about one hour.
We then rode back to the Corvette Museum.
Entrance to Corvette Cafe 
Entrance to Corvette Museum 
Inside the Corvette Cafe, we ordered a bowl of Strawberry Ice Cream from Chaney's Farm, which we shared.
We ordered a Peanut Butter cookie full of peanut butter chips and healthy toffee.
We ordered one Oatmeal Cranberry full of plump cranberries, buttery oats, and Heath toffee.
We also ordered one Snickerdoodle Cookies butter cookie topped with Saigon cinnamon, all came from Christie's Bakery.
Eating Strawberry Ice Cream from Chaney's Farm 
Snickerdoodle Cookie & Strawberry Ice Cream
Inside the Corvette Museum building, there was the Corvette Cafe, Corvette Archives, Corvette Store, and the Corvette Museum.

What a perfect ride
Our picture was taken driving or standing next to a Corvette before we went inside the museum.
We took our time to view the Corvettes (many on loan from individuals).
Picture inside the Archive's 
Mini-Corvette inside the Archives
Our next stop was the Woodland Cemetery in Nashville,  where several famous people are buried.
Hubby took a picture of me in front of "The Possum" by George Jones.
He stopped loving her today.  Around 4:00PM
"The Possum" by George Jones
"The king of broken hearts"
He sang of life's hardships and struggles, in a way, somehow lightened our own.
His voice was effortless and unforgettable.
He brought unsurpassed emotional eloquence to every song he sang. 
He was and is the soul of country music. No one will ever fill his shoes. 
He is at rest, but his music is alive and ageless. 
He gifted it to all of us, the joyful and broken 
"Walk Through This World with me!"
Driving through Woodland Cemetery, we stumbled upon the Carper Homestead and the Hospital Water Source.
Hospital Water Source 
Because of the Generous, pure water supply available this spring, the area surrounding it was selected as a hospital site for the treatment of soldiers wounded in the Battle of Nashville, which took place during the War Between The States.
Water Source for the Hospital 
Carper Homestead
Known to be one of the oldest houses remaining from the early American era. Originally located on Cane Ridge Road in Antioch, Tennessee. The materials were removed piece-by-piece and rebuilt exactly as they stood when occupied by the Carper Generations. 
Donated to Woodland Memorial Park for Historic Preservation by the children of William Washington and Susie Black Carper
William Herman Carper
Ruth Carper Chasteen
Estella Carper Quest
Louella Carper James
Thelma Carper Ellicott
Kathleen Carper Huddleston
Irene Carper Chahoc
Mary Carper Pulliam 
Dedicated 1969
Carper Homestead
We stopped at Panda Express in Spring Hill, Tennessee, around 5:00PM.
We ordered Cream Cheese Rangoon, Egg Rolls, Broccoli Beef, and Honey Walnut Shrimp.
We stopped in Lawrenceburg at Mapco to fill up with gas.
We were home around 6:30PM.

Another great day of adventures.

Friday, July 3, 2015

2000-2002~ Sites we visited in Missouri

September the first, I moved to Miss Maria’s RV Park in Fenton, Missouri with my husband.

We made many friends and had lots of cookouts and get-togethers with brother electricians when at the RV Park. 

Some of the places that we visited were:
We visited the Butterfly House at Faust Park, 15193 Olive Blvd. Chesterfield, Mo 63017 where there are thousands of live tropical butterflies fly freely in a glass conservatory. 

The St. Louis Zoo 1 Government Drive St Louis where we saw elephants, cheetahs, penguins, bears, hyenas, lions, tigers, zebras, giraffes, antelopes, primates, birds, and reptiles. 
The St. Louis Art Museum 1 Fine Arts Drive St Louis, Mo 63110. 

Six Flags Over Saint Louis Theme Park:
My husband’s sister won four tickets to Six Flags in Missouri; she could not use the tickets so she gave them to us.
All bags had to be checked before entering Six Flags Park because of 911. 

We went to Six Flags in September and again in October for Halloween.
The most fun was at Halloween:
We walked through a couple of haunted houses where I bumped my head when I was frightened by a goblin.
The goblin looked at my husband and said, “ That is the funniest thing I have seen tonight.”
My husband also laughed.

We saw several tombstones covered with spider webs lying all around on the ground.
We saw many scary white ghosts, and black bats flying among the trees.
The street lights flicker with orange and black lighting.

Fenton is known as the city of parks and we visited many of Fenton’s parks.
RV Park Fenton 
The City currently has over 340 acres of parkland, featuring active and passive leisure pursuits. Fenton City Park amenities include 7 softball fields, 8 soccer fields, 2 basketball courts, 4 tennis courts, picnic pavilions, 2 playgrounds, and a 1.4-mile pedestrian/bicycle trail. 
Neighborhood parks range from 1 to 16 acres featuring playgrounds, fishing ponds, nature trails, and pavilions.  
RV Park Fenton 
RV Park Fenton 
Saturday, October 6, 2001
We rode to a German neighborhood in south St Louis called Bevo Mill most of the people there are from Bosnia and Croatia. We visited the Miniature Museum of Greater St Louis. It houses a collection of artistic miniatures. The museum collects, preserves, and sells some of the most impressive miniature works from dolls to their houses.
We saw a miniature replica of the Long Branch Saloon from the TV show Guns Smoke. We saw the windmill Bevo Mill Restaurant located at the intersection of Marganford and Gravois roads. We saw the Stari Grad Fadil’s Bakery Restaurant in the Irene Building and much old building no longer in use. 

The Bevo Mill Restaurant 
The Bevo Mill Restaurant located at the intersection of Morganford and Gavios 
Storefronts in Bevo Mill 
Long Branch Saloon  
Storefronts in Bevo Mill 

Replica of Bevo 
Town of Bevo most stores are closed 
We watched the Founders Day Parade in Fenton Missouri.
In the parade we saw the daughters of the American Revolution, a group of Boy Scouts, Michal Gibbons Missouri State Senator, Greg Quinn County Council, Larry Steelman Alderman, riding in a black Corvette, and the Silver Falcon Marching Band of Rockwood Summit High School.
RiverChase of Fenton, Olde Town Fenton Veterinary Hospital, owners walking their dogs, people riding horses, and driving old & new Cars.

We saw the Saint Louis County Police and the Number 1314 Fenton Fire Department firetruck. 
Fenton Parade
Sunday, October 21, 2001
Museum of Transportation
We visited the St Louis Museum of Transportation Train Museum location at 2967 Barrett Station Road, St Louis Mo
We saw the Rogers and Hammerstein State Fair billboard starring Bobby Darrin, Pat Boon, and Ann Margaret. Displayed was Bobby Darrin’s dream car, a 1963 Chrysler turbine car.
Train cars: Union Pacific, Nickel Plated Road Daniel, Sabine River, and Northern.
St Louis Museum of Transportation
St Louis Museum of Transportation
St Louis Museum of Transportation
St Louis Museum of Transportation

St Louis Museum of Transportation
We did a drive-through at Jelly Stone Park at Christmas. 
Jellystone Park address: 5300 Fox Creek Rd. Pacific, Mo 63693 
December 2001
We waited in a long line to drive our car through Yogi Bear’s Jelly Stone Park.
The park was decorated with red, green, yellow, orange, and blue lights flashing, dancing, and glowing light everywhere
Many of the summer cabins were transformed into different light themes.
We saw the Space Age Jetsons orbiting overhead in their jet aero car.
We saw the primitive family of the Flintstones, with Dino chasing Fred.
We saw Snow White and the seven dwarfs in a line with their tools headed to the diamond mInc.
We saw Santa Clause rains in hand with his reindeer saying, “ 'Merry Christmas, and to all a Good Night”
We saw an ice pond with anatomic dolls skating on ice.

Lone Elk Park Sunday, November 18, 2001
We drove through the Lone Elk County Park, located in Valley Park near the intersection of Hwy 44 and hwy 141. The park consists of 546 acres loaded with bison, elk, and deer that roam freely. It is a beautiful drive and you can watch wild animals in your car. 
 Lone Elk County Park
 Lone Elk County Park
 Lone Elk County Park 
Sunday, November 18, 2001
Laumeier Sculpture Park
We visited Laumeier Sculpture Park, seventy-two acres of land given by Matilda Laumeier. A personification of Mother Earth, this piece proposes that a land easy to an understanding ingratiating face is what the public wants to see. 
Robert Morris's minimalist sculptures are often arrangements of geometric shapes placed on the floor, up against a wall, or suspended from a ceiling. There is no expressive or symbolic associated with this work and it is a study of pure form. Some of the pieces that we saw were Vito Acconci,(Faces of the Earth #3), Jonathan Borofsky (Man with Briefcase #2968443), Niki De Saint Phalle (Ricardo Cat, 1999), Donald Judd (Untitled 1984), Alexander Liberman (The Way 1972-80), Jonathan Borofsky, (Parts of a Ballerina), Ronald Gonzalez,(Birds fly through us 2000), Ernest Trova, (Abstract Variation 1980), George Greenamyer,(Heritage Schooner for Debra Lakin 1998) Judith Shea, (Public Goddess 1992) & Terry Allen, (Symphony Lounge 1998) were a few of the pieces that we saw.
Laumeier Sculpture Park
Laumeier Sculpture Park
Laumeier Sculpture Park
Laumeier Sculpture Park
Laumeier Sculpture Park 
Laumeier Sculpture Park,
Malls of St Louis MO area:
Brentwood Promenade hwy 170 and hwy 64/40 Missouri
We visited the Chesterfield Mall on hwy 64/40 Clarkson Rd Missouri.
Crestwood Westfield shopping town Watson and Sappington Road
We visited Jamestown Mall Lindbergh and old Jamestown Rd. Missouri
Northwest Plaza Westfield shopping town Lindbergh Blvd and St. Charles Rock road Missouri.

It snowed my first winter in Missouri which was just before Thanksgiving. 
There were still patches left from that snow in January. 
The streets are cleaned every day and the traffic flows smoothly most of the time but sometimes the weather does unexpected things and the traffic slows to a halt. 

The next winter was mild.
January 2002 that night before we left Fenton it snowed.

Trip to San Antonio Feb 16-22, 2025 Diamonds in the Rough

  Day 1: Sunday, Feb 16, Everyone meets at the Club bus, which arrives at 7:30 A.M., and we leave for Texarkana, AR, at 8:00 A.M. We stopp...