Showing posts with label scrawcrow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scrawcrow. Show all posts

Thursday, September 8, 2016

🦋🦋🦋2016 September 8, Friday, Butterflies and Scarecrows in the Garden

Looked out my window this morning, and I saw a chipmunk scurrying around looking for food.
I grabbed my cell phone to take a video, the chipmunk was quick as lighting. I did get a few pictures.
I filled the hummingbird feeders with sweet, red, Nectar. 
They watched me from afar and waited until I went inside to start feeding. 
The hummingbirds are very territorial and will run off any other hummingbird trying to get nectar from their feeder.
I put sunflowers in my regular bird feeders. 
Flowers still blooming
Stopped at my son's house to give Ava Grace a Happy Meal toy, apple slices, apple juice, and her bottle full of milk she had left a few days earlier in the week. 

Stopped at the Post Office in Rogersville to buy postage stamps (with trucks on them) and mail two birthday cards. 
Stopped at the UPS store to mail a package. 

Stopped at Chick-fil-A in Athens, where I bought a kid a two-piece chicken finger meal with a fruit cup, two fingers, ice cream, honey mustard sauce, and diet Coke for lunch.  
Exited Chick-fil-A onto hwy 72 east toward Huntsville. 
Turning right onto Slaughter Road, turning left onto Old Madison Pike. 
I followed Old Madison Pike over I-565 to Bob Wallace, stopping at 
4747 Bob Wallace at the Huntsville Botanical Gardens. 
Paid the entrance fee and began my walk through the garden
Huntsville Botanical Gardens 
My first stop was the Hobbit House, his door was shut tightly. 
Hobbit House
Our Hobbit House is inspired by J. R. R. Tolkien's book The Hobbit. Hobbits, also referred to as Hal-flings are small in size, have slightly pointed ears, are stout in stature, and have large feet. The life in houses that are built into the ground. They usually have round doors, like ours. Hobbits like to garden socialize and eat up to six meals a day if they can. 
Hobbit House 
Bird Nest 
Climb in settle down, and experience a birds-eye view in this larger-than-life bird nest. Birds, build nests from a variety of found materials, including sticks, grass, mud, feathers, horse hair, and even string. Northern Mockingbirds, Brown Thrashers, Northern Cardinals, Grey Catbirds, Blue Jay, American Crow, Bald Eagles, and Osprey build round nests with sticks, like this one. 
Next, I saw a larger-than-life bird nest. 
I walked into the bird's home and touched the egg. 
My next stop was the train village and there were scarecrows scattered throughout the village. 
Train Village with scarecrows
A new building going up at the park 
The Children's Garden.
Jack and Jill
went up the hill
to fetch a pail
of water.
Jack fell down,
and Jill came
tumbling after.
Maze Garden
Labyrinths and mazes have been a part of gardens since the time of England's King Arthur. Some of the World's most famous castles even have mazes.
Building a maze is harder than it looks, but we've given you everything you need to get started within the walls of our Maze Garden. 
Please No Wading 
Gold Fish 
Children's Garden 
I went inside the butterfly house where I saw three turtles sunning on a bolder. 
There was a Space Garden and a Dinosaur Garden.

Dinosaur Garden with a cool mist to walk through.
Throughout the garden were scarecrows and other sites.
Charlie Brown, Lucy in  Snoopy's Red Dog House
See Rock City Playhouse
Walking through the garden would have been fun if it had not been so hot. 
Most of the time I was walking through the paths in the woods. 
I drove home from I-565 to I-65 to 72 West stopping at Arby's to pick up dinner. 

Arby's Roast Beef Sandwich 
Diet Coke 

Sunday, November 9, 2014

🎃🎃🎃2014 ~ Oct 25, Saturday, Pumpkinfest Franklin, Tennessee

Saturday, October 25, Franklin, Tennessee was having a Pumpkinfest, 
Hubby and I decided to go.

We had never been to a Pumpkinfest and we did not know what to expect.

I put on my long, burgundy, dressed trimmed in black lace, with long puffed sleeves, and my black pointed hat.
I wanted to look like a wizard and I was prepared to play the part.
When we arrive in Franklin, I did not see anyone dressed as a character so I decided to change.
I climbed in the back of our VUE and changed into 
pink Capri jeans and a short-sleeved pink top.
It was heating up fast outside, and I would have gotten hot wearing my Wizard outfit.  

I think I would have made a very good wizard.
The first we saw was a stage when we entered the roped-off area where the festival was going on. 
There was a stage sat up where young and old alike were performing clogging.
There were people sitting and standing watching the clogging. 
We stood and watch until some chairs became available. 

I was spellbound by their performances.

The clogging finished near lunchtime, so we started looking for a place to eat.
We stood in a long line just to get an all-meat hot dog, it was worth the wait!

The wiener was first boiled, then put on a very hot grill,  and served on a hotdog bun.
The was a table full of condiments for the hotdog.  
I put sauerkraut and mustard on my hotdog.

We saw a bench in front of one of the stores and that is where we sat to eat our hotdogs. 

We enjoyed watching the crowds of people walking through the festival as we sat, eating our hotdogs.
It took a truck pulling this large pumpkin (sitting on bails of Hay) to get it into the festival in Franklin Square.
 There were people stopping in front of the pumpkin, to have their picture taken. 

There was a weight-guessing contest for the pumpkin.

The winner would receive a $50 gift certificate to Stroud's Barbecue.

The Scarecrow and Me (he looked like he was from OZ's).

Not sure, who was hugging who!!!

Hubby also took a picture of Pokey Pig and me.
Keep calm and eat chili was the sign behind us.
There were many vendors with pots of homemade chili.
It was a chili cook-off contest, to see who could make the best chili.
After eating the hot dog, we passed on the chili eating contest. 

I think it was ten dollars for a two-ounce cup of chili and you could sample from all fourteen vendors.
Even the pumpkin and skeleton were wearing smiles.
Do you think it was from all that chili or maybe the cold beer they were serving just behind us?
Beetle Juice 

We stopped by to see Beetle Juice, before and after he lost his head.
Beetle Juice should have known swapping numbers was the same as stealing!

Beetle Juice, Beetle Juice, and Beetle Juice - never say Beetle Juice three times or he may come out to haunt you!!!!
Third Avenue South was the kid section.
There were long lines of children waiting to ride the ponies, & the train.
There were several different inflatables for the kids to enjoy.

There was bull riding, bungee jumping, and a spider Web Mountain for the youthful. These were paid attractions.

There was a pumpkin carving contest and it was hard to choose the best pumpkin
The carving was done by Leiper's Fork carving club.
Clown with his hand on my head
A special appearance of the very scary clown not sure what he is doing atop my head.
Looks like he is using his horn to blow out my brains!!!! LOL

We had lots of fun and we will return to Pumpkinfest next year if the Lord is willing!

Trip to San Antonio Feb 16-22, 2025 Diamonds in the Rough

  Day 1: Sunday, Feb 16, Everyone meets at the Club bus, which arrives at 7:30 A.M., and we leave for Texarkana, AR, at 8:00 A.M. We stopp...