Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Sunrise, Sunset

Sunset Gulf Shores, Alabama
 Sun crackles in the blue reserved hill.
One lone leaf glitters eerily of chill.
The sky looks gorgeous from my window sill.
Sunset Marathon, Florida
The vastness of hill country in a leaf
Dances beyond the span of all belief,
The splendor of its memory is brief.
Sunset Glencoe, Alabama
You may not want to hear it when I say
That earth is in the twilight of its day.
The depth of it is drinking us away.
Sunset Mexico Beach, Florida
A cloud is a distant parchment in the sky.
Today's boat is a shadow sailing by.
Minutes will never catch it, though they try.
Apollo Beach Florida
I wish it could be every sunset, Friend,
That fey instant before all colors blend,
Dusk held at the crescendo of its end.
Sunrise in an Airplane near Baltimore, MD
The title poem of my book, Ever Sunset, Skylark Publications, India
Sandra Fowler :

Monday, January 26, 2015

✈️✈️✈️2002 ~ May 29-June 6, Trip to Key West, Florida

Day 1: May 29, 2002
Teresa, Rick, Rebecca, Dad, and I flew from Huntsville, Alabama, to Atlanta, Georgia.
We flew from Atlanta, Georgia, to Miami, Florida, where my sister picked us up and drove us to her house in Marathon.

We stopped at Burger King for lunch.
After lunch, we stopped and walked along the Ocean and gulf.

My sister's house was along the waterfront, 10 feet from the inlet.
In this area, boats were docked, and you could fish and swim.
My sister cooked a seafood dinner, and we walked down to the beach after dinner.

We picked up seashells and watched the setting sun.
Sunset in Marathon 
Spiny lobster
Day 2: May 30, 2002
We went to one of the small islands in the Ocean and were dropped off with a picnic basket full of food and a cooler.
While we explored the island and ate lunch, the men folks left in the boat.
When the men came back in the boat, the tide had started coming in. The island was covered with water but too shallow for the boat to land, so we had to swim out to the boat with our basket and cooler.

The men caught some fish, a Spiny lobster, and a small shark. 
We had lobster for supper and fresh coconut from their yard, which Rick struggled to open.

The carapace of Panulirus Argus is subcylindrical and bears many strong, forward-facing spines. 
A pair of rostral horns project forward over the stalked eyes. 
Whip-like antennae are longer than the body and are studded with small spines and setae. Antennules are also elongated, extending the approximately 2/3-body length. 
The abdomen is notched along its lateral margins but is otherwise smooth. 
Each segment of the abdomen has a transverse groove that is disrupted at the midline. 
Two pairs of biramous uropods flank the central telson. 
The body color is varied but generally a gray or tan base color mottled with shades of green, red, brown, purple, or black. 
The second and sixth segments of the abdomen have large yellow or white ocillas, with smaller ocillas scattered dorsolateral along the abdomen. Legs are striped longitudinally in a dull blue color. Dactyls of the walking legs are setose. Pleopods are bright orange and black. 

The endopodites in female pleopods are well-developed and hook-like, bearing many setae. In juveniles, the antennae and pereiopods are banded white, and a broad white stripe runs the length of the dorsal midline across both the carapace and abdomen.
Island, where we had a picnic
Day 3: May 31, 2002
We went snorkeling in the Ocean, where the water was shallow at one point and over our heads at the next point.
We saw many unusual seashells but could not bring the live shells out of the Ocean.

We walked along the 7-mile bridge that was used in the making of the movie True Lies.
The highway included the Seven Mile Bridge, the Bahia Honda Bridge, and the Long Key Bridge (although these three original bridges are no longer open to vehicular traffic, except for part of Seven Mile Bridge, they are listed on the National Register of Historic Places and are currently used as fishing piers).

The 7-mile bridge runs over a channel between the Gulf of Mexico and the Florida Straight.
The new bridge is called Overseas Highway US1.
Movies made on the Old Highway are 2 Fast 2 Furious, License to Kill, Up Close and Personal, and True Lies.
We saw Marquesa Hotel, 600 Fleming St, Key West, Florida.
Seven Mile Bridge
Day 4: June 1, 2002
We went to the Tropical Crane Point Hammock Crane Point History Museum, where you can feed the fish and interact with hands-on sea critters. We also visited Los Ninos De Los Cayos, an interactive vessel complete with pirate clothing and treasures.
Crane Point, MM 50.5, Bayside, 5550 Overseas Hwy. Marathon, FL
Phone: (305) 743-9100

Here we also saw:
Loggerhead Sea Turtle
Hawksbill Sea Turtle
Kemp's Riley Sea Turtle

Leatherback Sea Turtle

1. The Loggerhead turtle weighs about 200 kg, with reddish-brown markings.
2. The Hawksbill turtle is a small, beautifully patterned turtle weighing about 50 to 100 kg.
3. Kemp's Riley Turtle is the smallest and most endangered sea turtle. It has an oval, olive-green shell and weighs about 50 kg.
4. The leatherback turtle is the largest of the sea turtles. It has no shell but leathery skin with raised stripes.
It can reach over a meter in length and weigh about 700 kg.
All sea turtles are protected because they are classified as Endangered.
Their numbers are reduced because of human activity, such as capturing or killing adults for food and their shells, taking eggs, the destruction and pollution of nesting beaches, ocean pollution, and being caught up in fishing nets.

We took the many trails in the park, and it was a very hot day.
Teresa and Rick Milberger walked ahead, and Paula and Becky returned to the museum because the mosquitoes were biting them.

After walking the trail, Dad wanted to cool off, so he asked me if putting his feet into the water was okay.
The next thing I knew, he called for help, for he had lost his balance and fallen into the water.
I knew I could not pull him out by myself, so I called out for Rick and Teresa, and they came running.
Rick pulled Dad out of the water. When he found them, his glasses had fallen off his face into the water. 
They were broken, and he was dripping wet.

This was another wild adventure with my family.
Tropical Crane Point Hammock Crane Point History Museum 
Tropical Crane Point Hammock Crane Point History Museum 
Day 5: June 2, 2002
We rode the Henry Pigeon Express to the Overseas Railroad, built by Henry Flager from 1912 to 1935. It is the eighth wonder of the world.

Pigeon Key Museum—Located on Pigeon Key, where Flagler railroad workers lived, this museum houses memories of the railroad's construction. The museum is actually a restored home where several families lived during the construction era and throughout the years. Today, hundreds of postcards and early photos of the island are displayed inside the house. A display model of the Seven Mile Bridge details the construction process.

MM 47, Oceanside, Marathon, FL

Phone: (305) 743-5999
Henry Pigeon Express 

Day 6: June 3, 2002
We took the Old Town Trolley Tours of Key West - Old Town Trolley's 90-minute tour covers more than 100 points of interest, and passengers can enjoy the tour at their own pace. At any point, passengers may choose to get off at any of the routine stops to shop, dine, or sightsee and then re-board another trolley later.

Mallory Square, Key West, FL
Phone: (305) 296-6688
After the trolley tour, we walked to Ernest Hemingway's home, located at 907 Whitehead St, Key West, Florida 33041.
Ernest Hemingway lived and wrote for more than 10 years.

We walked past the cruise ship Enchantment of the Seas, which was docked in Key West. Florida
We stopped at many of the shops along the way, where I:
Bought postcards of:
The Hemingway House Key West
Key West-The Conch Republic Southernmost Point Continental USA Key West FL.
Key West Lighthouse
Teresa, Rick, and Becky walked up to the Key West Lighthouse, and I walked through "The Keepers Quarters' Museum."
The lighthouse is 938 Whitehead Street, Key West, Florida 33040.

We walked to the Southernmost Point at Whitehead.
South Street in Key West, Florida, is 90 miles from Cuba. Point 1.

Before leaving the Florida Keys, we enjoyed a lovely meal at

Margaretville CafĂ© located at 500 Duval Street, Key West, Florida 33040 
Hemingway House Key West Postcard
Key West Lighthouse Postcard
Southernmost Point Postcard
Margaretville Café
Day 7: June 4, 2002
We loaded into my sister's truck, and she drove us to Miami International Airport, where we boarded and flew to Atlanta International Airport, then to Huntsville International Airport and the road home.

May 29-June 6, 2002, Miami, Florida, Delta Airlines
Delta Flight DL378
Leave 6:40 A.M. Huntsville International Airport (HSV) Seat 28E gate 6-ticket ticket 1 006-2198887297 4 LG6JHFN.
Arrive Atlanta International Airport (ATL)
Leave Atlanta International Airport (ATL)
Arrive at Miami International Airport (MIA)
Return Flight
Leave Miami International Airport (MIA)
Arrive Atlanta International Airport (ATL)
Leave Atlanta International Airport (ATL)

Arrive Huntsville International Airport (HSV)

Friday, January 23, 2015

2011~ May 26-May 30, Trip to Ladson, South Carolina with siblings

Day 2: Thursday, May 26, 2011
My siblings arrived at my house between 6:30-7:00 A.M.
My sibling cannot start the day without her two cups of coffee so we stopped at McDonald's to get her two cups.
Two hours later we stopped at Cracker Barrel in Gardendale for breakfast. 
I ordered one scrambled egg, with sourdough toast, and bacon.
One of my siblings ordered a kid's pancake meal, and the other sibling ordered bisques and gravy.
I drove South I-65 toward Birmingham and I turned east on I-20 toward Atlanta, Georgia.
We make several restroom stops, we stop somewhere in Augusta GA at a BP Gas station to fill up with gas. 
One of my siblings paid for the gas.
The trip took nine hours and thirty-eight minutes to make the trip.

We arrive at apartment 9345 Blue House Rd Apt 3104 Ladson, SC at 5:30 P.M. Eastern time. 
Another sibling meets us at the gate.
She took us to the apartment where we would be staying.  

The living room
Our apartment has two king-size beds, two full baths, a full kitchen, a living room, a sitting room, a computer room, a washer, a dryer, and all kinds of cookware and dishes.

When we had finished unloading the van and taking our luggage to the apartment. We went to our siblings for dinner.
Our sibling had prepared tri pasta and Chicken salad (chicken breast, granny smith apples, grapes, mayonnaise).
Her husband had to work late so we rode to North Charleston Wal-Mart Super Center Store #3367 4920 Centre Pointe Dr. North Charleston, S. C. 29418) (843) (740-1112)
We bought dominos, (24.95) a Yahtzee game (7.95), Mt. Dews (4 bottles for $2), cheese dip, chips, and wine coolers. 
The four of us played Yahtzee, ate cheese dip, and drank wine coolers. 
We tried to play Mexican train (with the dominos) but everyone had forgotten how to play.

It had been a long day, I took a hot shower and crawled into bed. 

Day 3: Friday, May 27, 2011
We all loaded into the van and I drove us to downtown Charleston,
South Carolina.
I parked the van at Charleston's Visitor Center located at 375 Meeting Street Charleston, S.C. 
We went inside to get information about the downtown area, the trolley rides, and the food area.
It was Memorial weekend and Art Festival in one of the parks so, there were a lot of people in the downtown.

I met Bill Fetzer and his puppet Jerry McGee. They greet and entertain visitors from the South Carolina Aquarium, Children’s Museum, and the Visitor Center
His puppet Jerry McGee reminded me of Howdy Dowdy.
I made the comment that I would love to have my picture made with him.
However, my siblings were nowhere to be found, to take my picture.
They had walked to the gift shop.
I had walked in the opposite direction to look at the art.
Bill Fetzer kindly let me take a picture of Jerry McGee and himself.

I thanked him and went in search of my lost siblings
Bill Fetzer and his puppet Jerry McGee
We walked down Meeting Street, where we met two women. 
We said we were hungry, and a woman walking next to us said just keep walking until you come to Market Street, you will find several restaurants in that area. 
We stopped at Bubba Gumps 99 S. Market St Charleston, S. C. 29401 (843-723-5665)to eat lunch.
Bubba Gumps is one of my favorite places to eat.
One of my siblings and I ordered a hamburger, she ordered fries, and I ordered grilled broccoli (cost $7.99 and iced tea $2.50).
My other two siblings both ordered a Texas Cajun Chicken Sandwich for $9.99 with lemon water.
(Chicken breast, crisp bacon, pepper jack cheese, guacamole one toasted bun with fries.)
It was a very nice day so we sat outside where we watched the people stroll by. 

When I went inside to use the restroom I saw a suit of Forrest Gump and Jennie’s wedding dress in a frame hanging on the wall.

Greenbow Alabama Stop Forrest Stop
We paid for our meal and began walking toward the Waterfront Pier on the Atlantic Ocean. 
Several swings were sitting along the pier so, we all sat down and enjoyed the cool breeze blowing off the ocean.
I walked to the end of the pier to take pictures, of the boats that floated along the waterfront.
We left the pier and started walking toward the Historic homes and buildings in Charleston. 
My siblings seemed to be in a rush but not me. 
I had my camera and I was snapping pictures of old homes, old churches, old buildings, a graveyard, statues, and historic markers.

My siblings found a park bench behind the courthouse and sat down while I walked around taking pictures.
My siblings and my Howdy Dowdy hair!!!
It was a long walk but we arrived back at the Visitor Center where I had parked. 
I looked for Mr. Fetzer and his puppet but they were gone. 

It cost seven dollars to park, I paid the attendant and we rode to our apartment in Ladson.
We stopped at Piggy Wiggly in Ladson to get some food to cook for dinner (Chicken, key lime pie, more wine coolers) then back to our apartment to play Mexican Train.

Day 4: Saturday, May 28, 2011
We spent the day at the pool swimming, playing ball, and relaxing. 
One of my siblings and brother-in-law went to purchase lottery tickets. 
We each won something on the scratch-offs so, Teresa and Robert went to the store for more scratch-offs.
Teresa won $90 nobody else won anything.
That afternoon we played Yahtzee and Mexican train.
We snacked on Cheese Dip, and Key Lime Pie.
I took a quick shower and went to bed.

Day 5: Sunday, May 29, 2011
We went to the Patriots Point Maritime Museum in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina.
We each bought a ticket to take the ferry over to Fort Sumter which cost each of us eighteen dollars. 
One of my siblings gets seasick when she rides a boat so, she went to the gift shop to buy something for nausea. 
I had two twenty-dollar bills in my short but, when I went to purchase my ticket the money was gone. I looked everywhere for it. 
I think that I laid the money on the counter and someone picked it up.
I looked everywhere and even went back to the Van to look for the money but the money was gone.

We were the first in line to take the boat tour.
We sat on the right-hand side of the boat but we ended up standing up at the front of the boat. 
The ride took thirty minutes. We saw Dolphins going in and out of the water.
We all bought a bottle of water to take with us, it was a very hot day.

We walked along the long pier to Fort Sumter. Two major battle Civil War Battles took place here. 
We did not stay to listen to the talk but walked around the fort taking pictures. 
There were historic markers, cannons, statues, and a museum with lots of information about the Civil War.

Fort Sumter
Looking for seashells
We walked along the seashore looking for seashells.
We walked to the boat, it was too hot to stay outside on the deck so we all went inside where it was cool. 

About halfway, back I went back outside onto the deck to see the panoramic view of the Charleston harbor, downtown Charleston, the USS Yorktown Ship, and the Revenue Bridge. I got some great shots. 

Directions to: Patriots Point Mt. Pleasant, S.C
Charleston International Airport
Distance: 12 miles
Drive time: 20 minutes
Directions - I-26 east to exit 220
Cross over the Ravenel Bridge
At the foot of the Bridge, merge right onto Coleman Blvd (703)
At the first traffic light on Coleman, turn right onto Bud Darby Lane
Follow Bud Darby Lane until it ends and becomes Patriots Point Road.

We went to Gillian’s Steamer and Raw Bar 3852 Ladson Rd Ladson, South Carolina for dinner.  
My sibling who won the ninety dollars bought everyone’s dinner.
Paula ordered She Crab Soup ($4.95), Blt Wedge Salad, and Fried Chicken Finger Dinner.
Becky, & Teresa ordered the same except for the soup. $10.95 ea.
I ordered a BLT Salad with Shrimp for $11.95, and Ice Tea for $2.50.
We had free appetizers of Shrimp dip, Buffalo wings, potato skins, peel, and eat shrimp.

We stop at PW Gas 9616 Hwy 78 Ladson, S. C. to fill up with gas, we are leaving tomorrow at the cost of $54.71.
We all went for a swim at the apartment complex after a full day of sightseeing.  
The water was great and very relaxing. 
We saw a storm brewing in the distance so, we got out of the swimming pool and walked to our apartment. 

We took out the Yahtzee game and the dominos. We spent the remainder of the evening playing games. 

When we finished playing games, I took a shower and went to bed. 

Day 6: Memorial Day Monday, May 30, 2011
We grabbed a few snacks and loaded the van stopping to tell our sibling and her husband.

We stopped for lunch at Cracker Barrel 1182 Dogwood Dr. SE Congers, GA 
I drove 279.92 miles in four hours and sixteen minutes. 

We stopped in Bremen Ga at Chevron 156 U. S. Highway 27 Byp Bremen, GA 30110-1970 (770) (537-0996) to fill up with gas my siblings paid for the gas. 

Our last stop was at Hardens in Athens where I ordered a kid's chicken fingers meal. One of my siblings ordered a sandwich and the other said her family was waiting for her, they were going out to eat.
We were forty minutes and 37.83 miles from home.
I drove to and from Ladson South Carolina without any problems and had a great time with my siblings. 

I cannot wait until we take another trip together. We always have fun just us girls. 

Trip to San Antonio Feb 16-22, 2025 Diamonds in the Rough

  Day 1: Sunday, Feb 16, Everyone meets at the Club bus, which arrives at 7:30 A.M., and we leave for Texarkana, AR, at 8:00 A.M. We stopp...