Thursday, September 22, 2016

⛴Trip to Cape Cod

September 22, 2012
My daughter and I rode from Newington, Connecticut to Cape Cod, Mass.
We stopped at Dunkin Donuts for breakfast and ordered 8 munchkins.
We rode across the Sagamore Bridge, and facing us was the Rotary sign that said, “Welcome to Cape Cod.”
We visited the white and red Bass River Lighthouse sitting among the Townhouse in West Dennis. 
Bass River Lighthouse
We visited the Light House Inn Lighthouse that now sits on top of the Lighthouse Inn in West Dennis.
Behind the Inn was a rock wall that made a circle in the Bass River. We walked along the wall stopping to take several pictures. It was a beautiful place for a wedding. 
Light House Inn Lighthouse
Rock Wall 
We ate lunch at Kreme and Kone's a family-owned clam shack in West Dennis, where we were served the best seafood on Cape Cod
We split a plate of grilled Halibut on a bed of rice with coleslaw and a vanilla ice cream cone for dessert. 

We stopped at the Salt Pond Visitor Center in Eastham where we used the restrooms and toured the museum.
The museum had artifacts, photos, and art from the Mashpee-Wampanoag and Aquinnah tribes.
The Visitor Center also had pictures and articles showing the natural and cultural forces that created Cape Cod's beaches. 
I bought a couple of postcards, Nauset Lighthouse and Three Sisters. 

 Salt Pond Visitor Center in Eastham 
 Salt Pond Visitor Center in Eastham 
We also stopped in Eastham to take pictures of the Georgian, Late Victorian-style Eastham Windmill.  
It is the oldest windmill on Cape Cod. It was constructed in 1680 by Thomas Paine in Plymouth. 
We visited the 18 century Judith Baker Windmill, in South Yarmouth. The windmill faces west to Bass River, and nearby is a small boardwalk and beach. 
Judith Baker Windmill
In the town of Orleans, we walked along Nauset Beach, where we saw the Three Sister Lighthouses, & Nauset Lighthouse.

Three Sisters Lighthouses 
Nauset Beach 
Nauset Lighthouse

We saw the historic markers: Three Sisters lit the Way; The Nauset Lights, Pushed back by the sea; & The Long, Black Cable. 

The sun was going down behind the large sand dunes, when we reached Provincetown, Ma. My cell phone was about dead, so I did not take many pictures in Provincetown.
We stopped at Far Land Provisions located at 150 Bradford Street Provincetown, Ma 02657.

We saw the Pilgrim monument, founded in 1892, that overlooks the town. It was said that the Pilgrims spent five weeks exploring the tip of Cape Cod. 
 Pilgrim Monument

We walked several blocks taking in the sights. We saw people sitting on the benches in front of Town Hall watching the world go by. 
We saw drag queens along the streets inviting us into the drag shows, one had a southern accent. I ask the drag queen where he was from, and he said Georgia. Imagine a southern in Provincetown.
We walked along MacMillan Wharf and back through Commercial Street, where we saw shops, galleries, and a Portuguese bakery. 

We spent the night at South Wellfleet Motel. 

September 23, 2012:
We ate a hot breakfast of bacon and eggs in the Motel’s restaurant.

We walked barefoot along the sandy beaches of Chatham Harbor.
We saw the black and white Chatham Lighthouse.  

Chatham Lighthouse
Chatham Beach 
We saw a white two-story siding house with three chimneys with a red roof sitting next to the lighthouse. It was enclosed inside a wire fence. In front of the fence was the historical marker about the History of Chatham Light.  We also saw the historic marker of The Mayflower Story and The Rescue of the Pendleton. 
Nearby was the Chatham Beach-Tennis Clubhouse. 
We rode past the White building of the First Congregational Church United Church of Christ established in 1720.
The two-decker steeple had a clock face on three sides, of the church.
In Chatham on Seaview, we saw an antique building and in the downtown area, we saw a Corner Toy Store. 

At 3 Rivers Road Orleans, we visited the Jonathan Young Windmill, where we saw the interior workings of a windmill. The wind shaft in the interior is attached to the brake wheel/bull wheel (wooden gears).

Jonathan Young Windmill
We walked along the beaches of Marconi, located six miles north of Salt Pond Visitor Center. 
The waves were high and we saw men wearing rubber suits and surfing. It was too cold for swimming but not for the dogs, we saw happily, jumping into the splashing waves. 

The next morning we bought tickets to take the ferry to Vineyard Haven.
We parked the car and rode the bus to the ferry at Oaks Bluff.  
On the bus we meet a couple, they ask where we were from, and they said that they had family living in Florence on Robins Lane.
Everyone got off the bus and loaded onto the ferry.
The ferry took us to Martha’s Vineyard. 
In Martha’s Vineyard, we walked to Ocean Park, where we saw a flock of geese.
In the park, we saw a bandstand, some markers, and a statue. September is the offseason and it was getting late so most of the stores were closing or closed. 
We stopped in The Good Ship Lollipop Store, where I bought some animal cookies and a diet Pepsi. 
The store owner's wife named the store The Good Ship Lollipop.  

We saw many store signs as we walked through the town, we saw Ben & Bills Chocolate, Ice Cream, and Candies, Skinn & Fat sandwiches, Bite on the Go, Pirate Jacks burgers, Sharkey’s Cantina, Oldies Memorial Fountain, Laughing bear, It’s me, Murdock fudge, Boat skipper. 

Vineyard and Vines 
We did not want to miss our ride back to the main island so we hurriedly walked back to the ferry station, but the last ferry left at 6:30pm.

We were told to take bus 13 to Vineyard Haven, it had the only ferry going back to the mainland.  
We hurriedly walked toward the first bus 13 but that bus was going in the wrong direction. We had to wait for the next bus 13, which would take us to Oak Bluffs where we could catch the next ferry.

The couple we met earlier was on bus 13.
On the ferry ride, we meet two women that lived in Johnston, RI.
Riding the ferry 
Riding the ferry 
Riding the Ferry 
One of the women said that she worked in the Art and Drama Department at the local college in Johnston and her husband owned a business.
The other woman said her husband was an angler. 
The two women were on vacation together and my daughter talked their heads off. 
We rode the bus to the parking area where everyone got off and went to their cars. 

We rode to Val’s house, he was watching the Patriots play the Baltimore Ravens. The Patriots lost by one point 30 to 31. We spent the night in Johnston. 

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Let us not forget!

Let us not forget!

Thousand fill the asphalt
Their roar shakes the earth
A police car leads the pack
Crowds line the streets
Trail of Tears Ride 
Waving their
in Remembrance 

Thousand walks the path
Many die! 
Their cries are not heard.
In Waterloo 
Loaded onto boats 
Taken to 
Where the Indians were loaded onto boats in Waterloo

The Singing River 
There is no place 
Once again tears fall!

Thousand fill the asphalt
Their roar shakes the earth
A police car leads the pack
Crowds line the streets
Waving their
in Remembrance 

Let us not forget!

The Trail of Tears!
Wooden Indian at Spring Park 

Indian Family 

Trail of Tears Memorial 

Monday, September 12, 2016

2016 September 10, Saturday, Oka Kapassa, British Car Show &🎂🎂🎂 Birthday at Pond Springs

My first stop was the dollar store, for a Diet Coke and a package of NeKote's cookies, my favorite.
I ate the package of NeKote cookies and drank a diet Coke, not a very good breakfast, but I was hungry and did not want to stop anywhere to eat 
I arrived around 11:00AM at Joe Wheeler Lodge and State Park.
I parked near Joe Wheeler Lodge which was on a hill. 
The parking below looked to be full so I had to walk down the hill to view the cars. 

The cars that were in the British car show were parked in the shade near the bank of the Tennessee River.

The first row of cars was facing the Tennessee River so I walked along the sidewalk taking pictures. When the front row ended I walked back through the grass to view the second row of British cars. 

I saw in the Tennessee River, tied up at the pier sailboats, cabin cruisers, & motorboats.

I think I got a picture of most of the cars on display.
When I finished taking pictures I walked back up the hill and drove to Wheeler Plantation.

1960 morgan
1951 Riley 
I saw Jaguars, Class A; MGB, New Mini Class O, 2007 Jaguar Vanden Plas, Empire, Morgan Plus 4 DHZ, Riley AMD, DHC, Vanden P125 Princess 1300, Empire Sedan, 1961Austin Healy Buqaye, & 1959 Austin Healy, 1977 Trump TR6, 1972 Trump TR6, 9171 Trump TR6, 1973 Trump, 1969 Trump, 1979 Trump Spitfire, 1975 Trump Spitfire, 1975 MGB Roadster, 1980 MGB, 1976 MGB, 1980 MB, MG Roadster 1975, 1959 MGA Twin Cam, 1959 Austin Healy. 

Tennessee River full of Sailboats
I took 101 across Wheeler Dam, turning left onto hwy 270, then left on Alt 72 east/20, traveling to Wheeler Plantation at Pond Springs. 
I arrived around 12:00pm, at the entrance of the Wheeler Home was a Fire/Rescue Truck with its ladder extended with the words the City of Courtland.
I saw several motorcycle riders, men dressed as Confederate Soldiers, with 1st Battalion Mechanized Cavalry written on the back of their shirts. There were two black, one white, and two brown horses standing near the white fence near the house. 

City of Courtland Fire-truck
Horse and riders 
Motorcycle and riders
Joe Wheeler Home at Pond Springs
The Well-house 
The slave quarters 
Vendor selling food 
I talked to a woman whose father worked as a caretaker of the plantation many years back.
She told me a story about when she was in school and had to write a paper about the plantation.
Her teacher gave her a D because she said no one could go inside the plantation and look at the papers she did not know that her father knew the owner and had let her do her homework by reading the papers, the owner called the school and she got an A.
I walked to the cemetery and looked inside the well and a couple of the outside buildings.

My Next stop was going to be Spring Park in Tuscumbia. I traveled west on Highway 20 to 72 West, turning right onto South Woodmont Drive. 

I parked near Cold Water Book Store, and I walked down the hill to Spring Park.
I walked around taking pictures of the creek, ducks, swans, geese, vendors, and the people that were in the park.
Swan, Ducks @Spring Park 
I watched the Indian dances and listened to the storytellers and music.
Amy Bluemel a Native American Story Teller told a story to the children that she had gathered around her. 
Native Tribal Dancing Oka Kapassa 
She told a story about a baby rattlesnake.
He begged for rattles, well he finally received rattles and he frightened everyone he met until one day he tried to frighten a little girl. 
She was frighted but she also stomped on the little snake rattles destroying them.
He went home crying and should have listened to his father. 
Amy was still telling stories when I left. 
Amy Bluemel a Native American Story Teller
I was hot, tired, and very thirsty.
I walked through the park, past the waterfall wanting to put my feet into the water but I did not stop. I kept walking along the sidewalk up the hill to where I had parked.
I rode to Chick-fil-A in Muscle Shoals where I ordered a kids ' strip meal, which included two chicken strips, a fruit cup, tea, and ice cream. 
At Chick-fil-A, I tried to upload my pictures to FB and Flickr but the internet was too slow.

Ice Cream with Fruit
Chicken fingers

Saturday, September 10, 2016

2016 September 9, Friday Arvel Bird Celtic Indian

Last night we sat on the front lawn of the Florence Library to watch a performance of the celebration of the Native American heritage, culture, and history. 
The performance featured musician Arvel Bird (Paiute) and storyteller Amy Bluemel (Chickasaw). The event was sponsored by the Oka Kapassa Festival, the Alabama State Council on the Arts, and Florence Public Library.
Arvel Bird (Piaute)
Arvel Bird (Piaute)
A Native Dancer

Amy Bluemel a Native American Story Teller,  entertained us by telling us a story about Flint the Giant. 
About how a small Indian boy overcame his fear of the giant. 
She also told a story about fire and how each animal tried to retrieve an ember of fire.
The buzzard attempted to retrieve the fire but it burnt the feathers off his head. The Crow attempted to retrieve the ember but he swallowed the ember and he lost his voice.
The opossum attempted to retrieve the ember and it but off his furry tail. 
Grandmother Spider weaved a basket and returned with the ember of fire but no one wanted to attend the fire so, it burned out.

Amy is a registered member of the Chickasaw Nation and she performs at schools, libraries, camps, and museums. 
Amy Bluemel a Native American Story Teller
If the stories fall silent, who will teach the children? Chief Dan George.

We also saw a tribal dance performed by a young American Indian. 

The performance lasted until 7:00PM.  We stopped at Wendy's for a fifty-cent chocolate frosty.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

🦋🦋🦋2016 September 8, Friday, Butterflies and Scarecrows in the Garden

Looked out my window this morning, and I saw a chipmunk scurrying around looking for food.
I grabbed my cell phone to take a video, the chipmunk was quick as lighting. I did get a few pictures.
I filled the hummingbird feeders with sweet, red, Nectar. 
They watched me from afar and waited until I went inside to start feeding. 
The hummingbirds are very territorial and will run off any other hummingbird trying to get nectar from their feeder.
I put sunflowers in my regular bird feeders. 
Flowers still blooming
Stopped at my son's house to give Ava Grace a Happy Meal toy, apple slices, apple juice, and her bottle full of milk she had left a few days earlier in the week. 

Stopped at the Post Office in Rogersville to buy postage stamps (with trucks on them) and mail two birthday cards. 
Stopped at the UPS store to mail a package. 

Stopped at Chick-fil-A in Athens, where I bought a kid a two-piece chicken finger meal with a fruit cup, two fingers, ice cream, honey mustard sauce, and diet Coke for lunch.  
Exited Chick-fil-A onto hwy 72 east toward Huntsville. 
Turning right onto Slaughter Road, turning left onto Old Madison Pike. 
I followed Old Madison Pike over I-565 to Bob Wallace, stopping at 
4747 Bob Wallace at the Huntsville Botanical Gardens. 
Paid the entrance fee and began my walk through the garden
Huntsville Botanical Gardens 
My first stop was the Hobbit House, his door was shut tightly. 
Hobbit House
Our Hobbit House is inspired by J. R. R. Tolkien's book The Hobbit. Hobbits, also referred to as Hal-flings are small in size, have slightly pointed ears, are stout in stature, and have large feet. The life in houses that are built into the ground. They usually have round doors, like ours. Hobbits like to garden socialize and eat up to six meals a day if they can. 
Hobbit House 
Bird Nest 
Climb in settle down, and experience a birds-eye view in this larger-than-life bird nest. Birds, build nests from a variety of found materials, including sticks, grass, mud, feathers, horse hair, and even string. Northern Mockingbirds, Brown Thrashers, Northern Cardinals, Grey Catbirds, Blue Jay, American Crow, Bald Eagles, and Osprey build round nests with sticks, like this one. 
Next, I saw a larger-than-life bird nest. 
I walked into the bird's home and touched the egg. 
My next stop was the train village and there were scarecrows scattered throughout the village. 
Train Village with scarecrows
A new building going up at the park 
The Children's Garden.
Jack and Jill
went up the hill
to fetch a pail
of water.
Jack fell down,
and Jill came
tumbling after.
Maze Garden
Labyrinths and mazes have been a part of gardens since the time of England's King Arthur. Some of the World's most famous castles even have mazes.
Building a maze is harder than it looks, but we've given you everything you need to get started within the walls of our Maze Garden. 
Please No Wading 
Gold Fish 
Children's Garden 
I went inside the butterfly house where I saw three turtles sunning on a bolder. 
There was a Space Garden and a Dinosaur Garden.

Dinosaur Garden with a cool mist to walk through.
Throughout the garden were scarecrows and other sites.
Charlie Brown, Lucy in  Snoopy's Red Dog House
See Rock City Playhouse
Walking through the garden would have been fun if it had not been so hot. 
Most of the time I was walking through the paths in the woods. 
I drove home from I-565 to I-65 to 72 West stopping at Arby's to pick up dinner. 

Arby's Roast Beef Sandwich 
Diet Coke 

Trip to San Antonio Feb 16-22, 2025 Diamonds in the Rough

  Day 1: Sunday, Feb 16, Everyone meets at the Club bus, which arrives at 7:30 A.M., and we leave for Texarkana, AR, at 8:00 A.M. We stopp...