Saturday, September 10, 2016

2016 September 9, Friday Arvel Bird Celtic Indian

Last night we sat on the front lawn of the Florence Library to watch a performance of the celebration of the Native American heritage, culture, and history. 
The performance featured musician Arvel Bird (Paiute) and storyteller Amy Bluemel (Chickasaw). The event was sponsored by the Oka Kapassa Festival, the Alabama State Council on the Arts, and Florence Public Library.
Arvel Bird (Piaute)
Arvel Bird (Piaute)
A Native Dancer

Amy Bluemel a Native American Story Teller,  entertained us by telling us a story about Flint the Giant. 
About how a small Indian boy overcame his fear of the giant. 
She also told a story about fire and how each animal tried to retrieve an ember of fire.
The buzzard attempted to retrieve the fire but it burnt the feathers off his head. The Crow attempted to retrieve the ember but he swallowed the ember and he lost his voice.
The opossum attempted to retrieve the ember and it but off his furry tail. 
Grandmother Spider weaved a basket and returned with the ember of fire but no one wanted to attend the fire so, it burned out.

Amy is a registered member of the Chickasaw Nation and she performs at schools, libraries, camps, and museums. 
Amy Bluemel a Native American Story Teller
If the stories fall silent, who will teach the children? Chief Dan George.

We also saw a tribal dance performed by a young American Indian. 

The performance lasted until 7:00PM.  We stopped at Wendy's for a fifty-cent chocolate frosty.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

🦋🦋🦋2016 September 8, Friday, Butterflies and Scarecrows in the Garden

Looked out my window this morning, and I saw a chipmunk scurrying around looking for food.
I grabbed my cell phone to take a video, the chipmunk was quick as lighting. I did get a few pictures.
I filled the hummingbird feeders with sweet, red, Nectar. 
They watched me from afar and waited until I went inside to start feeding. 
The hummingbirds are very territorial and will run off any other hummingbird trying to get nectar from their feeder.
I put sunflowers in my regular bird feeders. 
Flowers still blooming
Stopped at my son's house to give Ava Grace a Happy Meal toy, apple slices, apple juice, and her bottle full of milk she had left a few days earlier in the week. 

Stopped at the Post Office in Rogersville to buy postage stamps (with trucks on them) and mail two birthday cards. 
Stopped at the UPS store to mail a package. 

Stopped at Chick-fil-A in Athens, where I bought a kid a two-piece chicken finger meal with a fruit cup, two fingers, ice cream, honey mustard sauce, and diet Coke for lunch.  
Exited Chick-fil-A onto hwy 72 east toward Huntsville. 
Turning right onto Slaughter Road, turning left onto Old Madison Pike. 
I followed Old Madison Pike over I-565 to Bob Wallace, stopping at 
4747 Bob Wallace at the Huntsville Botanical Gardens. 
Paid the entrance fee and began my walk through the garden
Huntsville Botanical Gardens 
My first stop was the Hobbit House, his door was shut tightly. 
Hobbit House
Our Hobbit House is inspired by J. R. R. Tolkien's book The Hobbit. Hobbits, also referred to as Hal-flings are small in size, have slightly pointed ears, are stout in stature, and have large feet. The life in houses that are built into the ground. They usually have round doors, like ours. Hobbits like to garden socialize and eat up to six meals a day if they can. 
Hobbit House 
Bird Nest 
Climb in settle down, and experience a birds-eye view in this larger-than-life bird nest. Birds, build nests from a variety of found materials, including sticks, grass, mud, feathers, horse hair, and even string. Northern Mockingbirds, Brown Thrashers, Northern Cardinals, Grey Catbirds, Blue Jay, American Crow, Bald Eagles, and Osprey build round nests with sticks, like this one. 
Next, I saw a larger-than-life bird nest. 
I walked into the bird's home and touched the egg. 
My next stop was the train village and there were scarecrows scattered throughout the village. 
Train Village with scarecrows
A new building going up at the park 
The Children's Garden.
Jack and Jill
went up the hill
to fetch a pail
of water.
Jack fell down,
and Jill came
tumbling after.
Maze Garden
Labyrinths and mazes have been a part of gardens since the time of England's King Arthur. Some of the World's most famous castles even have mazes.
Building a maze is harder than it looks, but we've given you everything you need to get started within the walls of our Maze Garden. 
Please No Wading 
Gold Fish 
Children's Garden 
I went inside the butterfly house where I saw three turtles sunning on a bolder. 
There was a Space Garden and a Dinosaur Garden.

Dinosaur Garden with a cool mist to walk through.
Throughout the garden were scarecrows and other sites.
Charlie Brown, Lucy in  Snoopy's Red Dog House
See Rock City Playhouse
Walking through the garden would have been fun if it had not been so hot. 
Most of the time I was walking through the paths in the woods. 
I drove home from I-565 to I-65 to 72 West stopping at Arby's to pick up dinner. 

Arby's Roast Beef Sandwich 
Diet Coke 

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

2016 September 5, Saturday, Sweet Tater Festival @Smith Lake & Labor Day Actives

Started the morning with a call out to work with hubby. It only took about fifteen minutes to reset the alarm. 
While at Red Stone Arsenal we stopped at a couple of new buildings so I could take pictures. 
The first building was glass and the entrance had a metal winding staircase that led upstairs to the top level, with high ceilings. 
On display in the lobby were rockets, the Space Shuttle, the mini Apollo Lunar Module, globed Sea of Tranquility July 1969, and a table made from a rocket exhaust nozzle.
Base made from Rocket Exhaust Nozzle
Table made from Rocket Exhaust Nozzle 
Space Shuttle
The next building held The Space Launch Systems.
It had a life-size space suit, an Orion Space Craft, and a mini NASA building, with a launch area.
There was a half-circle orange bench where people could set not very comfortably. 

There was a life-size model of the Space Launch System (SLS) 1.25 scale.
The Space Launch System is going to Mars. 
Lifesize Space suit with an arm around a woman 
Space Launch System will be the next rocket in space going to  MARS

Smith Lake at the Sweet Tater Festival was our next destination which took a little over an hour.
As we got closer to the park we saw signs that said, This way to tater festival, have money ready. The entrance fee was three dollars per person, and children 5 free.

There was plenty of parking with no one directing traffic, we found a nice close spot and parked. 
I took my camera with me and started taking pictures. 
I think we picked the hottest time of the day to visit the festival, the sun was blazing hot,
and sweat was already pouring down the back of my shirt.
The aroma of barbecue, hamburgers, & french fries filled the air.
There was a lemonade stand for the thirsty. 
I could see Smith Lake in the distance, I wanted to take my shoes off and wade in the lake. 
The sound of music filled the air coming from a staging area.
There were people with their children and many with their dogs. 

They had carriage rides for five dollars, I wanted to ride but it was too hot.

Smith Lake 
Carriage Rides
Inflatables for kids
Mechanical Bull riding
Food Vendors 
Several people brought their dogs
In the wooded area was the Hot Rod Car Show.
We saw Corvettes, Fords, Chevys, Mustangs, Camaro, Trans-Am, Firebirds, Cadillacs.
Ralph Lane st 1927 Rat Farm 

Most of the car show was in the shade
Orange Ford truck Hemi Powered
the red car 
Two hours was more than enough fun in the hot sun.
We exited the park, and took I-65N, to Cullman.
We stopped at Logan's Roadhouse for a late lunch.
I was still wearing an orange wristband when I went to the restroom at Logan's. There I meet a family also still wearing their orange wristbands. I ask them if they had been to the festival? They said yes.
When we were leaving we met a man carrying a large camera case and he also was wearing an orange wristband. I ask if he had been to the festival? He replied yes. I laughed and said that Logan's must be the stopping-off place for many people that had been to the festival.

We ordered 1/2 rack of ribs, fried apples, broccoli, salmon, and rolls.
For dessert, we order three bucks of sweets pies.
One peanut butter, and two strawberry cheesecakes.

A bucket full of strawberry cheesecake
Arrived home around 4:00PM
At 5:30PM we rode to Tennessee for lottery tickets.
Stopping at Roger High in Greenhill to watch our grandson play football.

The first team lost Rogers 0, and Lauderdale County 28.
When the first team played the sun was still blazing down and I could nearly see the boys play. By the time the next team played the sun had gone down and it had cool down enough to enjoy the football games.
The boys took several cool-down breaks which they needed, several looked very hot.
The next team won 27 Rogers, Lauderdale County 17.

There was plenty of activity going on in the bleachers with our great-granddaughter.
Had a full fun day.

2024 Saturday September 7, Train Trip from Chattanooga to Chickamauga, Ga

  Saturday, we had to be in Scottsboro by 7AM about a 2-hour drive. Loaded onto the bus. I think there were 30 of us including the driver. W...