Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Ending the Year

Today we had our Christmas lunch at CBS with special guests our Regional Director.

We could pick from a turkey or ham luncheon including a cookie and chips.

I traded my chocolate cookie for peanut butter and then traded my peanut butter cookie for an oatmeal raisin cookie.

After enjoying our boxed Christmas Luncheon we listened to our special guest.

She spoke about her memories of the Christmas Holidays and why we celebrate Christmas.

She talked about giving gifts to our children and grandchildren of things that we have that they would enjoy having.

She talked about a woman who was moving and decided to give gifts to her family not knowing that would be her last Christmas.

She talked about how when she was little all her cousins would get together and swap gifts but they did not have much so everyone had to earn the money for the gift.

This made the gift-giving very special because it came with love and sacrifice.

It was such a bittersweet ending to our ladies' class for 2014. But we will meet again in 2015 once again to study God's Word.

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