Thursday, February 26, 2015

Growing up

Growing up 
We grew up in the country and two of my siblings and I went to a country school.
When we moved to the city, my siblings attended Brandon Elementary School and some attended the free Maud Lindsey Kindergarten.

My first and second-grade teacher was Mrs. Jones
She would start every morning by having the class recite the pledge of allegiance to the flag and then we would say a prayer.
Mrs. Jones had a word wheel that was full of beginner words that we practiced every day.
Our first readers were the Dick, Jane, and Sally Series.
Look, Dick, look, look, see Spot run.
Help, help, said Sally.

The best time of the school day was when our teacher released us to go outside, that is when all that built-up energy exploded into fun.
We would jump, run, hop, skip, and swing, no matter what the weather, hot, cold, snowing, raining, or even when the sun was shining brightly.

When the teacher called us to return inside, our energy was still boiling.
We would come running, all the while the teacher would be saying, DON’T RUN!
I can still remember that tragic day when my best friend and I came running into the building after being told to not run.
We were the last ones in line at the water fountain, and I can still remember how great, that cold water tasted.
The water only slowed us down for a few seconds, as down the hall we ran.
I was suddenly stopped, not by a teacher, but by a door, for I had run straight into the latch of the lunchroom door.
The next thing I knew I was on the floor blood running down my face.
I was taken to the first aid room, where a bandage was applied to a gash, which was above my left eyebrow.
You would have thought that an accident would have slowed me down, but think again.
As children growing up in the country, we had to make our own fun, and we had a very vivid imagination, our horses were made of sticks, and our boyfriends, were characters from the television shows that we watched.
A big screen tubed television set in a wooden cabinet, playing the black and white shows was our first.
We watched many westerns Gun Smoke, Bonanza, Have Gun Will Travel, and Maverick. My favorite show, which was not a western, was Adventures in Paradise.
Everyone detested the nights we had to watch the president make his speech because he was on every channel.
To get better reception, my dad had brought home a power line pole that he put our antenna on.
The Power pole had spikes staggering up it, which allowed him to walk up to the top.
My dad had to use a ladder to get to the first set of spikes, not sure if this was to keep us from climbing to the top or not.

When we were not watching television, we were outside, which was most of the time.
There were just a few neighborhood kids that lived nearby, that were close to our ages.
My friend, who was an only child, lived down the road from us with her parents, her grandparents lived next door, and her grandmother was Cherokee Indian.

My friend's parents had several detached buildings scattered around their home.
One of those buildings contained a variety of discarded bags of clothes, hats, purses, and shoes. 
We would go inside this building and dig through each bag, trying on different dresses, shoes, and hats, to find just the right one, that we would wear that day.

Our imaginations would take us to faraway places.
As, I would find myself, aboard a large schooner with Gardner McKay, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
A storm would be brewing, and our boat would be rocking back and forth, as the waves tossed us to and fore, which did not matter because I was standing to next a dark-skinned, browned-eyed, the man with his brown hair blowing in the wind.

We could always smell food cooking, coming from my friend's grandmother’s kitchen, and when she opened that screen door holding a plate of sugar cookies, we knew it was time for a break.
Her grandmother would call us and say, I have hot cookies and some fresh milk, and we would come running.

The older we got the more adventurous we became.
We played all the time in the forest but were told not to go near HORSESHOE BLUFF.
For some reason, we did not listen, and off we would go, walking along the cliffs and climbing down very tall trees to get to the base of the bluff.
We loved to watch the cascading waterfall, as we walked into the inclining bluff.
Such an enticing, dangerous place, where creatures could hide.
We could pretend to be cowgirls or Indian girls, that we're free to play wherever their hearts desired.

My imagination never stopped!
I would be swinging my legs back and forth pumping that swing higher and higher, stretching my legs upward towards the sky, and hoping just by chance maybe to touch the clouds. 
I would belt out a song that I had learned in church, while I was swinging. 
I felt like a bird as the words flew out of my mouth.
The big oak tree, held tight to the long cabled rope, as I twisted the rope tight as a tick and when the tension was released around I would go, getting drunk as a skunk.
What fun and I would do it repeatedly.

My dad was very inventive for he made us a go-cart. 
He used a wagon frame, a lawnmower motor, and a rope to make it work.
You would crank the Go-cart by pulling the string that was attached to the motor, but to turn it off, the spark plugs had to pull out.

There were more than enough hickory nuts to feed the forest animals and us.
We would grab several large paper sacks that were used to bring our groceries home, and take the grocery sacks into the woods, where we would fill them full, with hickory nuts of every size, kind, and variety that we could find.
We would return home with our nuts and find a good spot to crack them open, but first, we had to find two rocks, one to place the nut on, and another rock to hit the nut with.

We would retrieve one of the mother's large mixing bowls and fill the bowl full of cracked open nuts,
Then we would take the bowl full of nuts inside and pick the goodies out with the edge of a bobby pin.

In the early spring, when we knew we were going into town, we would get several paper sacks and fill them full with Polk salad and sell them in town.

Our house was built along the side of a hill; from our kitchen and bedroom windows, we could see for miles the forest.
In the distance, we could see a very large power line that looked like the kind that is used by Radio Station to pick up radio wave frequencies.
Our house was built by the sweat and brow of my parents, which took many years and was never completely finished, during the ten years that I lived there.
I can still see and feel the inside of our quaint spot on earth; which we called home, where we felt safe from the environment that surrounded us.
Our home began with just three rooms, but grew as we grew, from one bedroom into three.
Some of our walls were covered with sheetrock, while we walked on plank floors.
Our kitchen was filled with a long kitchen table, with just enough chairs for each of us to set in.
There was a stove, a refrigerator, a very large sink with cold water piped inside to our kitchen, and a very large bar for storage below and above.
The only plumbing inside our home was in the kitchen sink and that is where we would get our bathwater.
The water had to be boiled and poured into a very large tub, along with cold water which every child shared for a bath.
I remember once, sharing the tub with my bride doll, and after putting her head underwater, all her hair fell out. She no longer looked like a bride.

I guess raising eight children was not easy, especially when you put them to bed, only to be awakened by laughter and talking.
Very few cars drove by our house, so at night the only things that we could hear were the sounds outside.

We could hear the crickets rubbing their legs together, crooking of frogs, Junebugs, July-flies, owls hooting, wolfs howling, and sometimes we would hear the sound of a woman screaming, this was our mountain lion.

No curtains hang on our windows that face the forest; there was no need, what forest animal was going to peek inside?
Every now and then, the moon would peek inside; sometimes she would blink her eyes when the clouds covered them.
The fireflies could be seen throughout the forest as the night filled the sky.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Picture of life

Angelic creatures circle above us,
while watching mindless
shadows of people,
walking in puddles of sorrow.

Gray days of misfortunes 
turn the wheels of life.
Buildings linked together
Like man, as he takes to him a wife.

The clock sits suspended 
As life passes him by,
Death claims his soul in 
the stench of life as his hands
move forward.

Raindrops fall like tears
into puddles of sorrow
While floodless streets
suck up every drop 
Like a lollypop.

Power lines fill the streets
with lights that flicker
as mans soul sours
on life.

This is a cosmic place,
filled full of faceless people,
in a windless place,
seeking their fortune
living their lives on suspended

Thursday, February 19, 2015

The drunkard with a Gun!

Benny reached for his handgun, as he neared the quaint, dim-lit, liquor store. 
Benny had drunk every drop of his Jack Daniel’s Whiskey, as he threw the bottle at the garbage can. 
Benny lived in the dirty streets of Chicago, in a narrow alley with the other drunks. 
Benny had not a penny to his name, and was in a desperate need of another drink of whiskey, to drown out his sorrows. 
This had not always been the case with Benny, who had been disbarred from being a defense Lawyer. 
The last ten years was a blur, and Benny could hardly remember his daughter's names, whom he had not seen for five years.

The last time he went to visit his daughters, he was so drunk, that his ex-wife called the police, and he was taken to jail, where he spent the next six months.
Benny sobered up, but when he got out of jail all the old memories flooded his mind, so off he went in search of a bottle of whiskey.
Without money, he did what he had to and that was to beg for money.
He put on a pair of broken sunglasses to hide his shame and began 
sing, I am so lonesome I could cry, as tears streamed down his face.
As people passed by they felt sorry for the broken-down drunk, that sang so beautifully and they dropped coins into the tin can that sat in front of him. 
When he had enough money to buy the whiskey, he picked up the tin can and headed to the liquor store. This ritual he had done for almost a decade.
Benny had once been a very nice looking man, he was tall in a statue now bent in shame, his once dark black wavy hair had turned to gray, his dark skin pale for lack of sunshine, yet he had the voice of an angel.
He graduated from the University of Chicago and landed a job with the top attorney firms in the Chicago Area. 
He was not rich but lived high in life, he drove a Black BMW with heated red leather seats.
He had married the love of his life and college sweetheart, Peggy Sue, she was a lanky, blond, with sky blue eyes.
Peggy Sue owned a design business that was doing remarkably well called, Make it or Break it.
Peggy had been so engrossed in her business that she and Benny had drifted apart the last few years.
The couple had been married for five years when, their first daughter spunky Betty Sue, was born and five years later Linda Sue, their second daughter comes bouncing into their lives. 

Betty Sue was attending the University of Chicago where she was studying to be an architect because she wanted to design bridges.
Linda was still in high school, she wanted to help people and her dream was to become a nurse practitioner.

What had caused Benny’s downfall?
Why was Benny holding a handgun ready to rob a liquor store?
Benny was sober enough to remember the day he hired Cindy Lou, the beautiful, deceitful, twenty-five-year-old woman.
The day Cindy walked into his office, Benny was dumbfounded by her beauty, with a wiggle of her little finger Benny would come running.
What danger lurked inside this beautiful woman who controlled Benny’s life?
Cindy never left Benny’s side, every case he solved and won Cindy was there. 

Cindy was stringing Benny along, while she was stringing along with the biggest mafia leader in Chicago area, Alphonse "Scarface Al" Capone.
The Scarface was using Cindy to get to Benny because Benny was blocking his way for him to become the mayor of Chicago. 
Cindy could charm the socks off a rabbit, her long ebony hair flowed down her back, her dark eyes were out of sight, her skin was dark as night and she had lips every man wanted to kiss.
She was a woman no man could resist and this is how she came to be the lover of "Scarface", the top mafia leader in Chicago. 
Cindy had charmed the life out of nine men, and because of this she had become known as The Black Widow Spider.
Cindy had been tried nine times and nine times she was acquitted.
Cindy was never once convicted or sent to prison for her crimes.
Why could Benny not see beyond the beauty and deception of Cindy Lou?
Cindy Lou was deeply angry with her present mafia lover, for he was cheating on her with the new kid on the block named, Stella. I will show him, Cindy thought to herself as she was plotting her revenge, and Benny will help.

Cindy calls Benny from her cell phone and says, Benny met me downtown, and she gives him the address. 
Benny, what an idiot, he drops what he is doing and jumps into his BMW and drives downtown, unknowing he was going into (Scarface's), the leader of Chicago mafia, office.
Benny enters the office and where he sees Cindy standing over the body of Scarface, who is lying on the floor covered in blood.
Benny said to Cindy, what happened? 
Cindy is standing next to the body of Scarface with tears streaming down her face and she looks up at Benny and says, he tried to rape me, can you believe that?  Cindy said, without thinking, I picked the brass statue and hit him on the head.
She wept uncontrollably and kept saying, It was in self-defense.
The police were called and they arrest Cindy, charging her with the murder of Scarface.
Benny was at her side every step of the way, planning her defense.
Cindy was cleared of the crime but on a technicality.
Somehow Benny’s involvement causes him to lose his licenses as a lawyer.
Benny’s wife had watched the trial from day one and was not very happy about Benny’s involvement with Cindy.
When the trial was over Benny’s wife, Peggy Sue, files for divorce and takes everything Benny owns, he is left penniless.
Benny falls into a deep dark state of depression and this is when his drinking began.

Now, look at Benny, still standing in front of the liquor store with a gun in his hand, trying to decide whether to rob the store or turn around and leave when a Chaplin approaches Benny. 
The Chaplin says brother, why are you holding a gun in your hand looking toward that liquor store?
Suddenly, Benny comes to himself, he hears the voice of the Chaplin say, brother can I help you?
Benny drops the gun, sadness overcomes him and begun to weep and shake uncontrollably.

The Chaplin said follow me, Benny hangs his head in shame and follows the Chaplin.

Benny began to spill his guts to the Chaplin, and how the last ten years have brought total hell into his life. 
Benny looked at the Chaplin and said, I need to get myself out of this dump, that I am in but, I don’t know how. 
The Chaplin took Benny into his home and worked with him day and night.
It was an everyday struggle to overcome the last ten years of being a drunk and which months of hard work.
The Chaplin never gave up on Benny.

Finally, Benny was on the road to a new life in which liquor was not involved. 
Benny applied for his attorney license which he received the end of that year.

The bottle no longer had control of Benny life.
Benny was in control of his own life, but not without the help of someone who believes in him.
Benny was going to devote his life to helping others, who like him, had taken the road to destruction. 
Benny would never achieve the greatness that he had once hoped but the desire to help others now felt right in his bones.

One fact we cannot overlook is, that without the help of the Chaplin, that sent into Benny’s life that day, that Benny’s life would have taken a totally different turn.
Yes, Benny would still be living in the gutters of hell and yes, Benny would have robbed that liquor store and yes, maybe even killed the store clerk. 

Never give up on life, there is a high power who watches over us, and yes, he will save the day, if we believe in him.
Oh, by the way, Cindy Lou was killed in a drive-by shooting. 
Do you think Karma found her?
Karma comes in many forms, could it be she was wiped out by a member of Scarface's gang or could it have been Scarface's spirit coming back for revenge? We will never know!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

✈️✈️✈️2007~ Tuesday, May 1, Trip to Shriners Hospital in Lexington, KY

We left the Muscle Shoals airport at 7:45 A.M. 
This is our second trip to the Shiners Hospital in Lexington, Kentucky.

I brought my camera this time so I could take pictures. 
Inside the airplane, I took several pictures of my granddaughter she was laughing and enjoying the plane ride.

My daughter and I had to wear large headphones so we could talk to the pilot.
So we took pictures of each other wearing the headphones.

We flew low enough for me to take some awesome pictures of the ground below. 
I took several pictures of a boat chugging along the Tennessee River toward locks at Wilson Dam.
I took pictures of the Marriott Hotel and The Renaissance Tower standing behind it. 
For miles, I could see green trees, buildings with smoke coming out of the top, a white water tower, and I could see the flowing of the Tennessee River.

Then we flew over the Robert Trent Jones Golf Course, what a view it looked like a video game with all the crooked paths, sandpits, and clubhouse. 

We left the Tennessee Valley flying through Tennessee and Kentucky all the while I was taking pictures of all the lush greenery, different land shapes, hills and valleys, busy streets, houses, factories, and swimming pools. 

Kentucky was a totally different view with the brilliant glow of the Kentucky Blue Grass, acres and acres of horse tracks, green rooftop barns, a lush green field filled with Kentucky racing horses, and miles of white fencing. 

Our pilot gave my granddaughter a TEC Air lanyard, neck strap, which we put around her neck. 

We safely landed at the Kentucky Air Field at 9:30 A.M. Standing next to the building were rows of horse jockey statues.

When we arrived our pilot went inside to get a van to take us to Shriners Hospital for my granddaughter's appointment.

After we checked in, my granddaughter was weighed, her head and length were measured and she was taken to the Penguin examination room. 
In the examination room was a mural on the wall behind the table where my granddaughter sat, was a white and red owl, holding a red balloon, a black walrus with a white tusk, wearing red earmuffs, three black and white penguins, with orange beaks, wearing hats of red, green and yellow, all standing in the snow.

Doctor DB examined my granddaughter's bones. 
My daughter talked to BP about Botox and she told my daughter that Botox was a protein made of bacteria.
My daughter told the doctors that she wanted to take my granddaughter to Baltimore, Maryland for therapy.
They gave us a lunch voucher and we walked to the cafeteria where we ate pinto beans, cornbread, broccoli, salmon patties, watermelon, and brownies.
The food that I ate did not agree with my stomach and the tea we drank was instant not brewed. 

Our pilot came to pick us up at 1:50 P.M. 
Our flight home was very bumpy and our pilot said when hot air rises it causes the plane to bounce up and down. 
My daughter had not flown many times and this flight was a little upsetting to her. 
We arrived safely at the Muscle Shoals Airport. 

May 1, 2007, Lexington, KY
Leave Muscle Shoals Airport (MSL) at 7:45 A.M.  

Arrive at 9:30 A.M. Lexington Kentucky Airport (LEX)

Leave 1:30 P.M. Lexington Kentucky Airport (LEX)

Arrived at Muscle Shoals Airport (MSL)

Thursday, February 12, 2015

2007 ~February 6-10 Working at the Rental Trade Show Atlanta, Georgia with siblings

2007, February 6-10 Atlanta, Georgia

Day 1: Tuesday, February 6, 2007
We left my house at 9:00 A.M. and we are traveling to Atlanta, Georgia. 
We took highway 72 to Athens, turned on to I-65 south toward Birmingham. 
We stopped at Burger King for lunch in Pell City just off I-20.
I ordered chicken strips, fries, and a coke; Becky and Teresa both ordered salads.

We got back on I-20 east headed to Atlanta for 139 miles. 
In Atlanta, we took exit 57 I-85, I-75 towards Chattanooga, Greenville for about 6 miles.
We were supposed to take GA-400 Buckhead, Cummings but we missed our turn off.

We arrived at Spring Hill Suites hotel in Buckhead Cummings where we were staying.
We checked into the hotel, unpacked our luggage and went to eat dinner at On The Border Mexican Grill Restaurant, located at one Buckhead Loop NE Atlanta, GA 30326(404) 816-3171. The restaurant was located across the street from Spring Hill Suites (3459 Buckhead Loop NE Atlanta, GA 30326 1 404-844-4800). 

For dinner we split two Citrus Chipotle Chicken Salads; cheese dip, salsa chips, and each had lemon water to drink. 

Citrus Chipotle Chicken Salad consists of the following:
Pulled chicken breast tossed in fat-free mango citrus vinaigrette with peppers, red onions, tomatoes, corn, queso fresco, and crunchy jicama. 
Served atop fresh mixed greens. 

After we finished eating dinner, we all went back to our room, put on our swimsuits, and went down to the first floor where we all got into the hot tub for about 10 minutes, then we each walked on the treadmill for about 20 minutes.
We went back to our room, took a shower, and fell asleep watching the television.

Day 2: Wednesday, February 7, 2007
We went to the Georgia World Congress Center to set up at the Rental Trade Show, booth number 566.
We had to go to the yellow parking area to get a parking permit before we could unload the van and we were told that we had thirty minutes to unload the van. 

(The GWCC is located in downtown Atlanta at 285 Andrew Young International Blvd. NW, it is adjacent to Centennial Olympic Park, the Georgia Dome, CNN Center, and the Philips Arena. 
Public transportation is serviced by the Dome/GWCC/Philips Arena/CNN Center MARTA station).

I pulled the rolling display and Becky and Teresa carried the boxes of pens, pads, brochures, packets, etc. 
Teresa stayed with the booth while Becky and I went to fill the van up with gas. 
Becky pumps the gas but the machine does not give her a receipt so I walked inside where I got the receipt and three bottles of water and three bags of peanuts.
Becky and I return to the Rental Show and help Teresa finish setting up the booth. 

Then we walked up to the first level of the Conference Center to get badges and tickets for the uptown down-home, Atlanta at the Marriott Marquis, for tonight at 6:30 to 9:30 A.M.

Two tickets came with the cost of the booth and any additional tickets were $25.00 each and we needed one more ticket. 
Teresa had rented a vendor scanner and it had to be picked up at the Freeman Center.
Our booth was on the fourth level in the Party section. 
We finished setting up the booth and Teresa drove us back to Spring Hill Suites.

We dressed for the UPTOWN, DOWN HOME ATLANTA event, which was at the Marriott Marquis.  
We rode the bus, which took us an hour and a half to get downtown because of an accident and the work traffic. 
The bus driver carried us on a scenic route of downtown Atlanta to bypass the backed up traffic on the interstate. 
He pointed out Elton Johns’ and Janet Jacksons’ homes. 
He pointed out the tallest building in Atlanta, which was the Bank of America building, he also pointed out the coca-cola building and the largest Preservation Church in the US. (Cathedral of St Philip’s built-in 1846 located at Buckhead & North 2744 Peachtree RD NW.)

We arrived at the Marriott Marquis downtown Atlanta around 7:30 p.m. 

There were several different all you can eat food bars and a drink bar. 
I had two glasses of white zinfandel wine, and two glasses of coke. From the salad bar, I had a salad and a pecan bar with whipped cream and strawberries.  

A disk jockey was over the entertainment, who kept the excitement in the air and the audience was enchanted, even the small children were dancing.  
He came out dressed in women’s clothing, he had a big roll of tissue, which he started wrapping around the crowd of dancers and Teresa and I joined the crowd of dancers. 
We arrived back at the hotel at about 10:30 p.m., where I took a shower.

Day 3: Thursday, February 8, 2007 
We ate breakfast at Spring Hill Suites.  For breakfast, I ordered waffles with strawberry syrup, almonds, and raisins.
We took the bus downtown to the Georgia World Congress Center to the Rental Tradeshow and opened for business. 

We opened our booth number 5660 and we were ready for business.
Becky and I walked around to see what the other vendors had on display in the Party Show Rental area. 
At 1:30, Becky and Teresa went to pass out product information in the Heavy and Light Equipment Rental area. 
Instead of getting lunch, we snacked. 
I ate a small carrot cake for one point, and a small box of popcorn.
We met a couple from Iowa, Loren, and Jackie;  their booth was next to the restrooms.  

We had to rush upstairs to purchase tickets for the Aquarium before 5:00 pm where we each paid  $40.00 for our tickets and each of us was given a tote bag. 

We rode the bus back to Spring Hill Suites walked across the street to On The Border Mexican Grill Restaurant where we ate dinner.
We walked back to the hotel, took a shower, and went to bed.

Day 4: Friday, February 9, 2007 
In the hotel, I ate breakfast which was a muffin with an egg, sausage and drank water.
We rode the bus to the Rental Show downtown Atlanta and opened for business. 
We had about sixty people come by our boot and Teresa records their information with her Freeman scanner. 
We once again eat a snack for lunch of bagels, muffins, bananas, and apples.

At the end of the day, we took the Marta underground train back to Spring Hill Suites and 
Jackie, Loren, rode the Marta with us.
We had never taken the Marta and were unsure of the correct directions, we met a nice young man, who was going in the same direction as us, and he was kind enough to direct us where to get on and off the Marta. 
He was from New York so he was familiar with the subway systems.
We took the Marta to the first stop which was at Five Points, we got off and headed north to Spring Hill.
We had to walk up one level of stairs to get to the street.
Loren called the hotel for them to send a van, but our van had already come and gone.
Loren called the hotel again and we had to wait another fifteen minutes for the van to pick us up. The wind was blowing very hard and it was very cold.
We did not save any time riding Marta because we saw the bus go by, so traveling by the Marta was no better than traveling by bus.

We had time for a short rest break, and then we got ready to go downtown to the Georgia Aquarium where we will eat dinner and walk through the museum.

The first bus will run at 7:15 which we plan to take. 
This is a Semi-formal event and there will be several different buffets to choose from. 
We filled our plates two times with pasta, salads, chicken, garlic bread and a small dessert.  We walked through the Museum with our friends Loren and Jackie.  
We saw the Georgia Explorer, River Scout, coldwater Quest, Ocean Voyager, Tropical Diver, and the Depoe’s 3 D. 
The wonder show was closed and so was the gift shop. 
We walked through The Coldwater Quest where we saw Africa Penguins, Beluga Whales, sea otters, and sea lions. 
In the Ocean Voyager, we saw Whale Sharks and hammerhead sharks.
In the Georgia Explorer, we put our hands in the touch pools that were filled with a wall of fish and turtles. 
In the Tropical Diver area, we saw coral reefs and jellyfish. 

Day 5: Saturday, February 10, 2007
The next morning we loaded up the van with all our luggage and headed to the Rental Show for our final day of displaying. 
Teresa ate a sandwich for lunch and Becky and I ate snacks.
I went to the heavy and light equipment area to pass out ink pens, notepads, and business cards. 
Becky stayed to condense down our boxes and she began loading the van. 
We had everything loaded and left the parking lot by 2:20 P.M. 

We took interstate I-85 south to I-20 out of Georgia. 
We stopped in Pell City at Burger King where I order a whopper junior, fries, and coke. 
Hubby was waiting at McDonald's in Killen, Al to pick me up, we arrive at 6:15 pm.

Teresa drops Becky off at her house and she drives home, to meet her husband and family for they are going out to eat dinner.         

Trip to San Antonio Feb 16-22, 2025 Diamonds in the Rough

  Day 1: Sunday, Feb 16, Everyone meets at the Club bus, which arrives at 7:30 A.M., and we leave for Texarkana, AR, at 8:00 A.M. We stopp...