Saturday, April 18, 2015

👣👣👣👣 2015 ~ Saturday, April 18, Tuscumbia Civil War Walking Tour and Florence Civil War Trolley Tours

Started the morning with the Civil War walking tour of Tuscumbia. Everyone met at Cold Water Book Store at 10 AM where we were told a little history of Tuscumbia. Everyone walked up the street following our guide. She told us a little history about the early settlers, the train, and the many hotels that were built in Tuscumbia.
This building was once a three-story hotel
The hotels were used as a stopover when someone was traveling by train because at that time there was no train depot to wait in.
We walked up the road to the First Baptist Church the minister was there just getting ready to unlock the door when he asked everyone if we would like to look inside where we were invited inside to look around.  Took several pictures and told about a man who wanted to become a member of the church but when he got up to sing his pants were caught in the crack of the bench. At the end of the service, several men had to sit on either side of him so he could get his pants unhung from the benches. Later he would become a member and buy padding for the church benches.
First Baptist Church Tuscumbia
First Baptist Church Tuscumbia
First Baptist Church Tuscumbia
We thanked the minister who so graciously let us view the church and take pictures.

We saw several old homes and our final stop was the Cooper Rand Home.
Old historic home in Tuscumbia
Cooper Rand Home
The new home to our hostess where she read from a copy of Major Samuel Jones's journal.

Reading from Samuel Jones's journal/diary
The walk spilled over into 11:30 so many people disbursed into small groups and headed back to their cars. I had to be somewhere else so I walked back to my car.
I saw many beautiful flowers in bloom and a Japanese Maple Tree.
Azaleas in full bloom
Azaleas in full bloom
Japanese Maple Tree.
The traffic was terrible crossing the O'Neal Bridge because the bridge was being repaired.
O'Neal Bridge being repaired
O'Neal Bridge being repaired
At 12:30 PM at the Visitor Center, there was another Civil War Tour but this one was on a trolley.

Thank goodness because I had walked many blocks and my legs and knees were beginning to hurt.
We were served muffins, and water while we listened to Lee talk about Florence in the Civil War.
Civil War Leaders 
Everyone got onto the trolley after paying $15 each the money is being used to fund students who are interested in attending UNA to study History. A scholarship fund and the trolley were full I think forty people.
Our first stop was the Confederate Monument in front of the Lauderdale County courthouse, as we rode down Court Street we were told that the original street was 115 feet wide.
Confederate Monument with victims of violent crime crosses all around the monument
Our next stop was the First Presbyterian Church where William H. Mitchell preached and was arrested by Union soldiers and taken to Union POW camp in Alton, Il.
 First Presbyterian Church
Our next stop was the former location of the Presbyterian Female Synodical College which now stands at the US Post Office and Federal Courthouse.
We were told about the Marshal/Campbell house the burying down of the first Florence Lodge and the location of the new lodge.
We stopped at the Wakefield Mitchell the oldest house in Florence.
Wakefield Mitchell
We stopped at the former home of Lawyer Edward Ashbury O'neal.
We stopped at the Simpson House and Courtview Roger Hall both are now part of UNA.
We waved at the curator and Confederate soldier at Pope's Tavern.
 The Confederate soldier at Pope's Tavern.
The driver took us up close to Florence Wesleyan which looks very much like a castle and our last stop was Col Richard Orrick Pickett House built around 1833.
Florence Wesleyan Hall
We rode past a very old home-place near Pine Street but I never heard the name called.
Last stop house
We returned to the Visitor Center and everyone got off the trolley.
I rode back by the last stop to get a better picture then stopped at Dairy Queen for Vanilla ice cream in a waffle cone.
Vanilla Ice Cream Waffle Cone at Dairy Queen
On the way home I stopped at Rich's and bought a pound of barbq pork and a tea.
It has been a long day so I lay on the futon and rested.
I finally uploaded my pictures.

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